Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Surrender to the Universe (or at least the music!)

When all is dark, I have faith there will be light again...when the clouds fade the path will be clear...this I say, this I know, as I will it, it will be so :)

It's been a rough few days and I suspect it will be a challenging summer, but all I can do is go with the flow and surrender to the Universe.

I am not writing much lately as I have been too involved with work and the necessities of living...I do not have much time for me, as it were. I have developed a new passion, which is belly dancing! LOL I wish I had more time for it and my spine would cooperate more, but I am slowly learning and enjoying it. I feel very at home with the movements and do have decent isolation due to practicing yoga off and on for years...but it will take time and it is for me anyhow, so it doesn't much matter how long it takes. I need to get a big mirror though so I can watch rather than just feel - which I am doing currently.

It is so hot here, very oppressive.

Listening to this belly dancing song called Naweam by Mohamed V. I think it is my favorite of all the hundred or so I've heard so far. It definitely gets me moving! So have to go now and move! lol