Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Breaking up is hard to do


My hands are murder-red. Many a plump head
drops on the heap in the basket. Or, ripe
to bursting, they might be hearts, matching
the blackbird's wing-fleck. Gripped to a reed
he shrieks his ko-ka-ree in the next field.
He's left his peck in some juicy cheeks, when
at first blush and mostly white, they showed
streaks of sweetness to the marauder.

We're picking near the shore, the morning
sunny, a slight wind moving rough-veined leaves
our hands rumple among. Fingers find by feel
the ready fruit in clusters. Flesh was perfect
yesterday . . . June was for gorging . . .
sweet hearts young and firm before decay.

"Take only the biggest, and not too ripe,"
a mother calls to her girl and boy, barefoot
in the furrows. Don't step on any. Don't
change rows. Don't eat too many." Mesmerized
by the largesse, the children squat and pull
and pick handfulls of rich scarlets, half
for the baskets, half for avid mouths.
Soon, whole faces are stained.

A crop this thick begs for plunder. Ripeness
wants to be ravished, as udders of cows when hard,
the blue-veined bags distended, ache to be stripped.
Hunkered in mud between the rows, sun burning
the back of our necks, we grope for, and rip loose
soft nippled heads. If they bleed - too soft -
let them stay. Let them rot in the heat.

When, hidden away in a damp hollow under moldy
leaves, I come upon a clump of heart-shapes
once red, now spiderspit-gray, intact but empty,
still attached to their dead stems -
families smothered as at Pompeii - I rise
and stretch. I eat one more big ripe lopped
head. Red-handed, I leave the field.

May Swenson

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Raw Fury of Moonlit Torture

The Raw Fury of Moonlit Torture

Willows slash like razors;
Tender skin rises, moon-welts glistening
As it gurgles, as it erupts in crimson -
Saille! O, how it leaps to the surface, a crusted
Demon bursting from the mound

Ashes, worm-enriched soil clinging like an omen
To the bindings, frayed but not broken,
not severed, no, not yet - What must I do?
Turn my wrists to the wind, palms open to the sky
As it lashes down in a crescent

Of sharp stings and wicked cuts to take the edge off.
I gaze into the puddle of murky water - this is
Where you feed, right here in the dusk of my seership,
Your roots tangling, creeping into crevices, unbalancing
Destiny as you grope to take firm root in the fertile soil

Of these bindings, slaughtered ancestry the blood
That rolls through these veins, the life I bleed out into
This pool where you sup and sabotage, bloated on my
Energy...I take it back. I cut through this tangled mess
With a razor as sharp as a willow whip,

Owl talons bared, ripping through the past like entrails,
Eyes glowing into the dark, exposing you to the wind,
To the crescent welts, to the raw fury of moonlit torture.
You are the demon cast upon the stone, broken.
You are the wound first cut, now cauterized.


A poem from the depths...I will look it over again at some point and see if I want to make changes but for now, it just wanted to come out. It's been a full and complicated few days. I try not to get too upset these days when things way beyond my control happen...money comes, money goes. That is how it is. I continually am thrown about by the tides of finances. There are days when I would like nothing more than to live a very simple and austere - yet rich - life in a hut in the woods. I woke up this morning thinking how I wished I was on Cold Mountain, listening to the birds and the waterfall in peace.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Owl Drinking at Dusk

A Wolf and a Bear...

I am just going to jot down what I remember of this strange dream I had last night so I can contemplate on the meaning and explore it over time.

I was returning home from a trip - I do not know from where - and was having a brief conversation with a man (but am not sure where we were. Maybe at the airport). I do not know who the man was or was supposed to be. Then it switched and I was walking down a road that appeared to be old as it was very narrow and bordered on each side with housing. It reminds me of roads I've seen in Irish and English villages but it was in the US. I've never been in a city in the US with roads that narrow, not even in the colonial section of Charleston. I was walking down this road with Sam but we weren't really talking (not unusual). What was unusual is that I had a long flute full of beer...shocking! lol  We were on our way 'home' and he was questioning me about my trip. Then, up ahead, I saw the man I had been talking to earlier on a balcony overhead with a woman and a man. He yelled down to me, "you aren't drinking, are you?" and I laughed and said, "well I have a beer but I've only taken a sip." There was shared laughter and then Sam said something to me (not sure what) and it irritated me and I dumped some of my beer on him.

It sort of moved forward again (or I'm not remembering) and we were still walking but through a park or a bit of forested area. I heard dogs howling and I said to Sam, "They haven't found the wolf have they?" He said no but I knew they were looking for the wolf.  We got to this place which was not our house but was supposed to be, only it was two stories and like a split apartment house. We lived upstairs. I went inside and the kids were there and so was Stef. I looked out this huge picture window and saw the wolf tied to a huge fir tree and was attached with a rope across to another tree where a brown bear was caught in the tree. It was obvious to me that they (whoever they were) were trying to help the brown bear by using the weight of the wolf, but they didn't have it set up properly to work. I made a few adjustments and down came the brown bear as the weight of the bear combined with the pull from the other tree and the wolf's weight somehow helped the other trees branch to snap off. The brown bear fell to the ground with part of a tree still tied to it. I cut the rope and pulled the wolf inside. He sat in front of me and I got a brush and began combing his fur, whispering and talking to him in a calm voice. I was a little worried  he may bite me but I pushed past the fear and kept brushing out his fur. Then I started petting him and stroking his fur, and I felt very loving and at peace but was worried they would find him.

It shifted a little again and Leah was there. I stopped brushing the wolf and was going to lie down and she was in  my bed. I said, get out of  my bed. She said "but I don't want to sleep on the floor." I said, "what happened to your bed?" Sam said, "I put it up."  So I got angry and said again, "get out of my bed. we will get your bed back out or you can go sleep in Darla's bed."  I went and checked in another room and sure enough, there was a bed for Darla but it was obvious we all knew she was dead. The bed was bare and the room clean. Stef was sharing a huge room with Gare and Dae had another room somewhere. I went to pull the blankets off Leah and she refused to get up but instead rolled around on my bed, making me very upset. Finally she got up and said "I don't want to hear any humping coming out of here." I told her she was disgusting and believe me, there wouldn't be any of that happening. Then I thought I heard Gare cry out and it was so real that I woke up and went and checked in real life. That is all I remember but the focus in my mind seems to be on the wolf and the bear. The wolf was being put in danger to help this bear, who just nonchalantly waddled off after being 'released'. It was so vivid.

I feel that my drinking beer when with Sam was a way to escape him. I am a bit perplexed about my sisters and why all 3 of them were there, even though Darla has been gone for 13 years this year. Perhaps because they were the one's I always tried to protect from my parents growing up and also the reason I have stayed so long putting up with my parents. So these things make sense to me.

The wolf I was very concerned about before even finding him tied in a tree, let alone tied to this big brown bear across quite some distance, maybe even a valley. When the bear fell to the ground (became grounded??) and then waddled off, I felt a sense of relief and yet some disgust that all the bear cared about was herself and getting what she needed. Then I immediately shifted focus to the wolf and helping him and soothing him.  Just a very odd dream. I think I will have to give it some time to think upon.

Just found this:

Friday, June 18, 2010

Be With Those Who Help Your Being

I will begin with a poem by Rumi...

Be With Those Who Help Your Being

Be with those who help your being.
Don't sit with indifferent people, whose breath
comes cold out of their mouths.
Not these visible forms, your work is deeper.

A chunk of dirt thrown in the air breaks to pieces.
If you don't try to fly,
and so break yourself apart,
you will be broken open by death,
when it's too late for all you could become.

Leaves get yellow. The tree puts out fresh roots
and makes them green.
Why are you so content with a love that turns you yellow?

Rumi - Ode 2865 Trans. Coleman Barks

Close your eyes...breathe...feel the energy relax, surround you...it is dark but peaceful. In the distance there is the sound of a waterfall, a bird's call, the gentle dance of leaves bending in the breeze...
I am there, resting in the silence. Calm and connected to Spirit, the energy of the Universe funneling through. I am there now. I am centered. Om Sri Shanaishwaraya Swaha. I dwell on the threshold with thee, O Karmic Lord, my thoughts crystallized into being through you...my release structured as I relinquish the past - ashes to ashes, dust to dust. I am free, a blossom opening, my rays intense as they pierce the depths. I am honored in your presence. Om Sri Shanaishwaraya Swaha.

I was very passionate and emotional yesterday and I realize I am still deep in the throes of healing. I have laid my Soul bare before my SP. I realize that my deep feelings in the morning yesterday churned up a lot of pain regarding my current situation and old karmic residue that needed release and understanding. He deserves 110% of me always; not part of me, not a shell of me, but me, whole and strong. I am still not certain whether I should have said all that I said, but I would never have dreamed it possible to trust anyone enough to share all I have shared with him. He is a blessing in my life and I say thanks daily for his presence. I strive not to be over-the-top but sometimes I feel I will burst with the feelings our connection invokes within me. I see the entire Universe in his eyes. I feel the presence of All That Is often in our communication. I felt it several times when we were together...that together we are more than "we" alone, that we are gazed upon with Starlight.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

I'm floating in a dream

I am floating today in a foamy oceanic world of bliss. I am hopelessly enthralled and in love in such a deep and magnificent way that I am nearly rendered speechless. Any doubt or lingering fear has faded since my karmic upheaval in Seattle and the resultant healing period I struggled through. I've never been more certain of anything in my life. He continues to amaze me and each new awareness of him burrows deep inside, invoking an intriguing mix of passion and camaraderie that can't be put into words.  He astounds and pleases me with his brilliant and (truly) out-of-this-world insights. I feel his energy emerging from deeper and deeper within him, energy I felt from the first contact we had, energy that was blocked or restrained but beginning to flow so wonderfully, so powerfully, now. The more of himself he shares the deeper I fall...and I am reveling in it like Dionysus in his ecstasy. 

I desire him.  I want to be with him. There is just so much between us on so many levels that no one would ever understand except us, but that suits me perfectly fine. No one needs to understand except us...to heal and grow toward Higher Consciousness through our connection as we awaken and unfold. I am his. I am so aware of being his, so aware of my surrender to the currents that drive me ever closer to him...it is a deep feeling of bliss. I realize at the moment my emotions are not very contained so I am allowing them to flow out here, to wash through me, to be released freely. I have already written a poem called A Thousand Petaled Lotus but it wasn't enough, lol. I checked my transits and see that Neptune is EXACT, to the minute, back on my Venus.

I wasn't surprised to learn from his Michael Reading that he is a Priest - Artisan. We are so attuned and connected and I am an Artisan - Priest. This means that when we were 'sparked' we both came into being with the same permanent essence...only reversed. But from several discussions I had with Shepherd about my own chart where I was arguing that I was a Priest - Artisan (and this was before I met SP) he said that both are part of my permanent essence throughout every lifetime and so while I may feel more a Priest as my 'role' in life, neither can really be separated so I am both. In some lives I will seem to be more Priest and in other lives I will feel more Artisan. Well, in this life I feel both! lol What does that mean, or shouldn't I ask??

He is healing me...I hope that I am healing him as well. I want nothing more than to see him glowing and happy, strong within his own being, radiating all of his brilliant light and healing energy out into the world. Nowadays when lower sorts try to poison me with their whispers of fear I laugh them off because I realize they are coming from a completely different mindset. They cannot comprehend what it means to love someone unconditionally. What it means to give love and support to someone freely because it makes you feel wonderful instead of giving it wanting something back in return. To give to someone because you really - really - truly and deeply love them on a soul level. They do not know. Saturn and Neptune get such a bad reputation and for what? Because people are frightened to become. As Marianne Williamson says:

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

With Saturn and Neptune together, we get enlightenment. I will go into this very in-depth in my book :)  Anyhow, when other people - especially other astrologers - try to tell me that I am caught in a Neptune illusion and I should be more realistic, I literally laugh it off. Their version of realism is fear and doubt. I am not fearful. I am not scared. I am very certain on a level of certainty that reaches far beyond this temporary life. Others cannot understand that I come to him freely, without expectation. Others cannot understand that I am now at a point in my own growth that I am nearing liberation. I still have security fears regarding actual survival (mainly supporting my children, not myself) but I have no fear of being on my own otherwise. This is one of the gifts SP has bestowed upon me...a complete change in perspective regarding the situation I am still working through here. My love for him made me so very aware of the hollow life I had been living. Now I come to him from a place of internal strength and pure love rather than need or expectation. I am flowing along in my bliss, ready and willing to shift current when necessary.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Fragment of Zeus, Venus, &.... Poseidon?

Ahh, yes...I did attempt to work on this poem today and as it isn't going quickly, I guess I will post it here and watch it come into being and take/change form.

A flash penetrates dark clouds,
Ram-horned Jupiter shaking down bolts,
The leaves dancing haphazardly for the Selloi
Beneath the pink June sky.

I breathe in the air - moist, hot steam -
Palms to the sky, heart pounding, skipping beats
With my feet, hips circling as I watch the waves
Pounding upon one another - Venus rising up,

Her girdle loosened, gleaming with charms
Gathered from the foam - tiny tridents, glittering shells,

Then I got distracted thinking about Epoch charts and so curious about erecting one but not really discovering the secret key to doing so in Kepler or Solar Fire. I found a new program called 'Astrofire' but I can't spend that sort of money right now...besides, I have to purchase the Human Design Program first. That will be 500 Euros and I don't know when I will have enough funds for that either.
I'm a little calmer today and have been working hard for much of the day. I've got a full schedule again this week but much of it is just my regular work other than a ritual for a client...soon I will be able to start working on getting ahead again so I can take a few months off this autumn and put 100% into my book, which many are anxiously waiting for.  I have my deadline and will have to really give it my all and push myself to manifest this feat. I know I can do it but I am going to have to be strict and reduce my stress levels here. Yoga will help as will the gym. My goal it to have the book written and totally edited before I go away for Christmas...then when I get home, I have a two week window to finish it entirely and then, if all goes well, as soon as it is done and on the market I will have a break at the conference in Hawaii and relax :D  Ok, the one track mind is returning so I will scoot, lol. Thinking of that gorgeous face and intriguing eyes and those delicious kisses...

Saturday, June 12, 2010

It will have blood, they say; blood will have blood...

And blood shall have blood...

I love Shakespeare, ah, yes...I also have written many poems with blood themes. Gruesome? Macabre? I've always loved the death imagery of the Middle Ages.  I used to be an avid horror reader in my teens and early twenties but as I grew older I simply grew bored with it. Blood and death should be used with meaning, not just to sell stories in a slash and kill way. I am currently (sort of) reading a book called  Mistress of the Art of Death by Ariana Franklin, which is a decent macabre fiction book. She held my interest on two connecting flights to Seattle but on the way back I ended up choosing to read the latest The Mountain Astrologer Magazine (Collective Crisis & your chart 2010 2014, February March 2010 Issue 149) - well that's not the issue I read but that's what Amazon is giving me, lol. I have intended to finish reading the Mistress book ever since I've been home but haven't. It's hard to hold my interest with fiction, movies, or television any more. I've been like this for a number of years now. The only time I read fiction is when traveling these days and half the time not even then. Learning/knowing the craft of writing and screenwriting/film-making takes away a lot of pleasure for me as I can see how they could have made things better or I get hung up on the little things, like in a recent vampire movie (in the past 4 - 5 years) they kept having full moons like once a week and it just bothered me so much that I went to sleep instead, lol.

I wasn't pleased with the changes I made to the blog yesterday so today - ta da - I have changed it entirely and feel happier with it.

So blood...ah...I found this paragraph on another blog earlier today: "In ancient Sumer, the key females of the royal succession were all venerated as lilies, having such names as Lili, Luluwa, Lilith, Lilutu and Lillette. Having wings and knowing the true name of God reminds me of the source of "veil" symbolism and wings on goddesses going back to the hymen of a virgin. From my post, Bee Seeing You Through the Veil: "Neith/Isis was known as the Veiled Goddess, and thus the reference on her temple inscription to 'lifting the veil' is intriguing, for Bees are often called hymenoptera, stemming from the word hymen, meaning "veil winged," representing that which concealed the holy parts of a temple, as well as the veil or hymen."

Imagine how that really made the wheels spin in my mind! I have ties to both Sumer and Egypt and I am simply fascinated how this ties into veils, hymens, and lilies. I am quite sure I have been a Sacred Prostitute as well as a Courtesan in previous incarnations. I have been called a 'Goddess' in the current life by innumerable people and I have had men tell me in the past that they've never wanted a child in their entire life until they met me, that I have something feral and fertile and earthy (lol) about me, that they want to....(insert blush)...in nicer words, impregnate me. And these are men I have never been intimate, emotionally or physically, with, but strange men online or men I have talked to very briefly (because I flee very quickly when I become sexual prey like that). It makes me wonder if these are Souls I've known before in another capacity and when they see me or talk to me, they are stirred up. Virgin used to mean an independent, unmarried state, not necessarily an intact hymen...in that sense, I am still very much a virgin.

Sexuality, to me, is sacred. I cannot understand women who sleep around randomly, flop around bars, have one-nighters, and all of that.  For me, I need a deep soul connection...a sacred bond and trust. An emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical connection. When the few I talk to about my life question me as to how I can tolerate a long-distance relationship, I tell them it isn't about logic, it is about love. When someone comes into your life who you can connect with on every level, what does distance have to do with it?  I can't even imagine wanting or letting another man touch me. The only explanation I have for people who worry about 'distance' or other complexities is that they have never felt as deeply as I do for him.

Back to the paragraph I took from someone else's blog. My mind started spinning and I began to think astrologically (what else is new?) that I would like to do some research and maybe an astro-blog article on Black Moon Lilith and the asteroid Isis. I am not focused enough today to do it but I think it is a great idea, tying them together and seeing how they interact and their sexual effects in the natal and perhaps synastry. I think maybe that would be a longer-term project but I could do something shorter first. I just have so much brewing deep in my mind all the time I fear I will never get 20% of it out into the world. I need to focus on Saturn-Neptune and actually schedule in set hours a week for it. I meant to go to the library this morning to work on it as I am back in the note-taking phase (I have gotten the major points and new breaking insights down already but now need to do the 'back-story' and create something readable for others to understand) but I was way too tired and slept in.

The role of the Sacred Prostitute/Priestess was amazingly important, as shown in this brief paragraph, from this site:

"The sacred marriage between priestess and king was the most solemn and numinous of all Mesopotamian religious rituals. Through this act, the fecundity and sheer life-force of the goddess was honored, released, and drawn down to vivify the land and its people. Her blessing was conferred on the earth itself and on the position of the ruling king. Without his wedding to the goddess, in the living form of her priestess, the king was not considered fit or able to rule the people. His temporal potency was inextricably linked with his physical prowess and attuned to his own instinctual sexual energies."

Inanna to her lover:

He has sprouted; he has burgeoned;
He is lettuce planted by the water.
He is the one my womb loves best.
My well-stocked garden of the plain,
My barley growing high in its furrow,
My apple tree which bears fruit up to its crown,
He is lettuce planted by the water.
My honey-man, my honey-man sweetens me always.
My lord, the honey-man of the gods,
He is the one my womb loves best.
His hand is honey, his foot is honey,
He sweetens me always.
My eager impetuous caresser of the navel,
My caresser of the soft thighs,
He is the one my womb loves best
He is lettuce planted by the water.

One of many poems I've written for my lover:

Carving Phoenix-Shadows

I am loved -
My lips fragrant with the dew of you,
Taking you in, a force uncontrolled as it moves
Between us, the bestial presence of unity,
Shadows and visions weaving soul-threads
Of heart-strings and conscious matter
Until we are gasping for one another, for release,
For pleasure, for penetration,
For surrender…

And you take me over, absorbing my essence,
Sinking into me, into your domain,
Your pasture spread out before you,
A rich landscape, a tapestry, your treasure
Laid out, urging your exploration.

In this time and space, in this sheltered cavern,
I want nothing more than to be your treasure,
Your landscape to travel upon,
Your tapestry to weave again and again
As we move together
Building bridges until we permeate the flow with our energy,
Transmuting physical boundaries, carving phoenix-shadows
With flames and tidal shores -
I am yours.

Dena L Moore
December 12, 2009

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Owl Medicine Summoning

I call to thee, O Great Night Eagle
Strong of wing, quick of flight,
Come to me quickly, under moonlight.
I summon thee to pierce the veil,
Sing to me clearly, the smallest detail,
Fly beyond and up into the Spirit world now
Retrieve every tiny piece my Soul will allow.
This is your mission, so dark, so profound
Back into the past, scattered around;
Fly quickly into that rotting black cell,
Then onto the tree where all ashes fell,
I send thee now, O Great Holy One,
Strong of wing, quick of flight,
Off away under the cloak of night,
When you return, come straight away,
I will be fuller, more whole by the light of day.
This is your mission; this is your song,
Sing to me clearly all night long.