Monday, March 18, 2024

This Is Who I Am

 I call to thee,
The clouds and the sea,
The blue sky my alibi
As I lie in the reeds,
Hidden in the dunes,
Waves at my feet,
Gulls crying out, stoic sentinels
Waiting to nip the scuttling crabs -
They scatter the breeze,
And I call to thee,
Fluid rhythm of being in the now,
At one with the Sun, the sand, the scallop shells,
All memories gone, all thoughts tamed,
This is who I am, nothing yet everything,
Silent yet vibrating,
Vibrating yet silent,
The pulse of the Earth my heart,
The sky above my Soul,
This is who I am…
This is who I am. 

Dena L Moore
March 11, 2024

A Traveler in the Shadows

 My heart burns,
Volcanic intensity rising,
A cauldron of desire, liquid fire
To be one -
Echoes of energy cross in tidal pools,
Fiery waves, brilliant white light -
Can you hear me?
Shifting patterns as I turn,
Seeking that connection of unity
Once lost, now lost again
But I’m not on my knees, no,
My heart burns -
I am alone here, a wanderer
Amongst the glitter of Stars,
A traveler in the shadows of Giants,
Seen but not seen, known but not known,
A solitary Spirit bursting to contain
The Universe.

Dena L Moore
Feb 17, 2024

No Turning Back

The whispering of the trees,
A rustling language, leaves in the breeze,
And I wander, Oh, how I wander,
Peaceful in my distress,
Lost within my knowing -
There’s no turning back.
Sunlight streams through the branches,
A kiss from the Heavens
Tempering my Spirit,
Readying me for the horizon’s gaze,
The summit of my adventure
When light fades to night
And the stars are silent.

Dena L Moore
December 28, 2022