Wednesday, January 4, 2012


New thoughts - a breakthrough?? I don't know but let's see.

The Saturn - Neptune connection is a paradox allowing both partners the opportunity to grow beyond the everyday morality and help establish new ways of relating for future generations. It isn't about chaos nor necessarily destroying existing structures but rather accommodating a new way of relating that may - ok, will - go against the GRAIN OF COMMON SOCIETY. If the two partners are open and willing to experiment, they will find (perhaps over years time) that they do not necessarily NEED to be together in a common manner; despite this, the relationship may indeed be one of the most important they will ever experience. There is an opportunity for great joy - and great pain - but underlying the connection is the need to learn how to COMMUNICATE clearly and ACCOMMODATE the mundane obstacles and security ties that were created prior to the relationship until both partners are at a place where they can make the necessary changes that would grant them the 'favor' of joining together in both Spirit and Physicality. This is a MYSTICAL connection that the majority of the population would not understand or bless, because it's very essence strikes a blow at ingrained societal patterns of relating. This is one of the PRIMARY purposes of the Saturn-Neptune connection - to go BEYOND, to learn to LOVE unconditionally. It has the potential to rock many boats - Neptune's Earthquakes - and unsettle the classic vanguard that was put in place centuries ago.

Quite often one partner will grow too fearful and may need to fall back into a place of societal acceptance. The fear can destroy the connection and create an abundance of difficulties not only for the lover they abandon, but also for their own Soul's growth. In other words, entering into such a relationship is an opportunity but should not be taken lightly...karma will pull them together but if they refuse to do their individual work, the relationship will falter or they will separate for a while. It takes TWO people pulling together, loving one another enough to make room for the more mundane (Saturn) responsibilities of the partner until such a time that the challenges are overcome or fade away. Life is in a constant state of abandon a soul love due to insecurity or societal expectation is the equivalent of castrating the self on a Soul level. It is the same thing as finding the SELF as lacking or undeserving of experiencing a love the reaches deep into the Soul and manifests on a spiritual level no matter if the physical relationship is severed. It is hard work but with the greatest potential to discover the deeper mysteries of a Soul connection. Contrary to what others have written and believe, Soulmate relationships are not necessarily easy...but in general, much of the trouble comes from the EXTERNAL world and external SOCIETAL beliefs and obligations. The relationship itself may well be easy, loving, and very connected when able to function freely. Unfortunately those involved in such difficult circumstances may be unable to find a way to navigate the relationship without resorting to severing - the paradox of being deeply in love and loving and having others view the relationship as immoral or destructive is a challenge. How to be true to the Self and to Love when others would judge the relationship so severely? A relationship of this magnitude requires great courage and a willingness to obey the CALL from Spirit, despite the obstacles, despite the potential 'double-life' the partners may have to live for years in order to manifest the potential and discover what they have to offer the world together.