Wednesday, January 28, 2009

No new poetry....

YET...thank that damn slave driver who's had my nose to the grindstone for the past several days. I've achieved amazing feats of work...the list for today was hellacious and I thought I would never complete it. Guess what?? I DID and it is just 9 pm!! I need a pat on the back...but the next several days will be just as grueling, except Saturday I am taking half a day off to take my daughter out for her 16th birthday. 16?? WTF, I do not know where all that time flew away to. LOL Got to love it. Her bday is on Friday.

Oh, yeah, the slave driver is ME. Believe me, you would never ever in a million years want to work beneath me. Ever. Not unless you are a glutton for punishment and get off on being pushed to achieve to utmost of your humanly capability. An occasional project would be ok, I would be somewhat lenient if you can impress me with your genius or make me laugh. But as a regular employee? Nope, you would be expected to exert as much energy as I do, every day that I do.

I have a few more of the audio poems up. I decided to put up a few old ones from the collections. Hopefully I will have something new to share soon.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Sea Stealing

I am trying out this audio poetry is taking a lot of disk space on the website so I think I will have to just do a few then switch them out instead of building a big vocal library. Or...I can fork out more money monthly for more space but as my poetry doesn't really bring in much money it doesn't make fiscal sense. lol Well if I take off some of the photos I will have more room for the audio stuff. It's an experiment.

My latest poem is called "Sea Stealing Shore" and is currently posted on the website, both in written and audio form.

I'm juggling several new things all at once, some exciting and some blah...we will see how my new projects turn out. I am always full of ideas but unfortunately I am only one person and can't even begin to take advantage of all that blossoms in my mind. Sometimes I wish I could clone myself but then we'd all try to be in charge of each other, LOL No, not good, not good at all!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

This Is How I Love You Now

Funny how this poem (the title of this blog) came to me, nudging me from my sleep...I had been up for about an hour (from 5:30 am - 6:30 am) and went back to bed. I was nearly asleep, on the edge of sinking in, when suddenly the first line of this poem came to me, followed by several others. Usually when this happens I allow them to dance around in there and then I fall asleep anyhow, which means the lines will be lost. This morning I just felt I had to capture this, so I stumbled around in the dark and found a pen and my beautiful Italian leather bound journal imprinted with "The Allegory of Spring" by Sandro Boticelli. Actually it just has the Muses from that painting. This journal was given to me as a gift from a client a few years ago. It is so beautiful I hesitated to write in it for a while but then took it to Scotland with me and began writing in it then. But this new poem has the honor of being written in this beautiful journal, hand scratched in the dark. Yes, I do write in the dark sometimes, lol.

I do like this poem, not sure exactly why I like it so much as it came in very easily and there it is. I was even thinking I might like to record this one, but we will see...

I've also updated the site with a beautiful poem called "If You Forget Me" by Pablo Neruda.