I am so full of joy and can't contain myself any longer...January can't get here fast enough, lol. I am not sure if I've ever looked forward to anything else so much in my entire life...perhaps the birth of the children, but I can't think of anything else that could possibly compare.
I want to sing but not much will come out...I have lost my voice entirely several times over the past few days. It starts to come back, then it's gone again.
I should try to write a poem but I need to save my focusing for the horoscopes and a ritual I have to write for a lady, so I have come to ramble to myself for a few moments. I would much rather be face to face with my love...we always seem to have plenty to talk about, lol. It is really wonderful to be so close and share so much and to understand one another, most of the time without having to think about it. Although I had to go through the recent purging, I feel now it was absolutely essential for it to occur before January...and now I am back to my dreaminess and sense of joy. There are really no words to describe it. The word joy cannot contain it...it is something that cannot be understood unless one has felt it!
I am enraptured by him...his amazing eyes, gorgeous smile, and everything else...that brain of his, wow. His light. His aura. I could spend the rest of my life writing about him (and just may!). In moments such as this, I truly desire nothing more than to be with him, gazing at him...exploring him...reveling in his mystery. And while I realize that life cannot be so idyllic and we will always have to come back down to earth and deal with daily life, the moments when we are riding high together, touching the higher planes (and touching each other as well) will be beyond anything I could have previously dreamed of. This is me opening and not being fearful...not worrying. Trusting. It's been a long road to get to this place but I would do it all over again if it led me into his arms. I would do it 100 times if that is what it would take.
sigh -
I should start drawing again or working with pastels...words are not giving me enough release, not bringing out enough of what I am feeling - this multi-colored, living, breathing thing within me that is constantly pulsing...this is my love for him as he moves within me in Spirit. I can only fantasize about him moving within me in Form...oh, and I do. I want him so badly; to touch his face, kiss his lips, to taste him. To give myself to him; to please him. To hear him laugh; to watch him sleep. Ok, time to stop or I won't get any work done today and I risk turning my blog into erotica, lol. Wow, just thinking about him makes me breathless and......
Just incredible. It may be a good thing we have a few days together before the conference begins, LOL!!!! Might need a few solid weeks the way I'm feeling today. I'm laughing so hard.
So to keep this a 'poetry' blog instead of just my private fantasy world, I will share a poem I wrote earlier this year (yes, of course he is in it...any poetry with a sexual element or love element written in the past year or so is always about him in some way!). I like this one because it
is erotic.
Wild and WindsweptShe lies like a mystery
Unraveled, untamed…a wild, fluctuating coast,
Wind-swept caresses haunting the harbor,
A light up ahead - dim.
No sound but my heartbeat
Thudding like footsteps on stone, softly insistent.
Dark clouds rage above, a mad master’s dance
Heavy with rain, ominous.
It is the fierceness of the storm
Drawing me near, pulling me down the rough-edged path,
Calling out a rhythm in waves washing through me,
Tension drawn in the sky - pierced with lightning -
And I am in my element, feral and fleshly,
Hair tossing behind me as I flow down , down, dancing
To the shore, to the swelling crests crashing chest-high,
Rocking toward me as I reach out to her,
Laughing sensually to the beat of her pulse,
My flesh rising with desire to roll with her, to sway and swirl,
Pivot and gyrate, to move with such pounding intensity,
The power teasing and potent, unrestrained…
I think of you with me, turbulent and inflamed,
Your body vivid and wild, moving against me,
Fluctuating and windswept, haunting me as she taunts the shore,
As she crashes and tames, rocking and pulling,
I think of you, your mystery,
The dream of your flesh, your flashing eyes devouring,
The control and force of your Spirit arousing -
I’m fierce in my desire; I’m eager to be tamed.
Dena L Moore
August 2, 2009