The love that you withhold is the pain that you carry.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
The more we give love, the greater our capacity to do so.
David R Hawkins
I am in a strong Neptunian phase today...oh, how I am drifting in and out of different levels of awareness. I am not focused but I am dreamy...and my heart is overflowing with tenderness and appreciation for my life as I am living it, the here and now and the future. For all that has gone before and all that will come ahead. Underlying everything is an intense connection to Spirit and a deep adoration for my beloved. My heart is full and continues to expand with love for him in a way no one would believe even if I shared it...if one has not felt this intense connection to all that is through a loved one, well, they simply could not understand. It is not that I 'worship' him but rather I honor his inner god, his Soul, and his very essence. The spark of him. What I see within him, some of which I do not even know if he sees himself. His beauty and illumination. A magnificent spark incased in glorious flesh.
Despite all that is difficult in our lives I am happy...happier than I have ever been. Joyful in my love and in the expansiveness within my own being. A deep awareness of the unity of Spirit and Flesh. A joy so deep that it reaches so far within myself that it moves beyond my own being and spreads out to touch the lives of others. This is what my love has brought into my world, into my life, and while life may be challenging, it is always perfect.