Friday, March 4, 2011

25 degrees Scorpio: An X-ray Photograph he is a hell-raiser and has trouble with the bottle, but I still can't take my eyes off the Irish eye candy. It's not like I have to deal with him in real life, so no worries. LOL  I can just enjoy the visuals. I especially like these two I found tonight.

An interesting chart to contemplate more in the future:

Not sure if this means I am wrong...I'm still working on the issue in my head and trying to read it all in the context of my life, what I know about myself, and what I suspect regarding my soul's intent. I do have Aquarius prenatal moon. I wish I had someone to chat with about it all but alas, I'm left to my own devices...besides, maybe it is best to work through it on my own.

25 degrees Scorpio: An X-ray Photograph


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