Showing posts with label Spiritual Growth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spiritual Growth. Show all posts

Monday, March 18, 2024

No Turning Back

The whispering of the trees,
A rustling language, leaves in the breeze,
And I wander, Oh, how I wander,
Peaceful in my distress,
Lost within my knowing -
There’s no turning back.
Sunlight streams through the branches,
A kiss from the Heavens
Tempering my Spirit,
Readying me for the horizon’s gaze,
The summit of my adventure
When light fades to night
And the stars are silent.

Dena L Moore
December 28, 2022 

Friday, August 14, 2009

Uranian madness!

How amazing life is when Uranus is active...simply amazing. I never know what I will wake up to day to day. I think the only real way to keep one's sanity and deal with all the ups and downs and twists and turns is to LAUGH! Just laugh and laugh until you can't laugh anymore. That's what I do on roller coasters; laugh my ass off.

I laugh in the face of danger - ha ha ha roar (good ol' Lion King)

I am blessed, I know that I am and even while the great majority of those I care about the most are far from me, they are always in my heart. I have been touched so many times so deeply...and lately, when the floor is starting to shift out from under my feet, I have found that 'angels' are supporting me. I have never known what it is like to have someone truly be there for me when I need someone...I have never before known what it was like to have emotional support of any kind other than what I've been able to provide for myself. I think this must mean I have 'graduated' from a specific school of Soul torture. Progress...hell yes! And while I still fall into black moods, they do not last very long at all (see my last blog!).

No matter what, I get by, I survive, and I do it with a smile...even if I have to shed a few tears first I know that I will be smiling shortly, so that tears are nothing but a release...a flow.

Sometimes I still feel very alone but I know that is just an illusion. There are a few like myself out there and I have found them - or they me - and that gives a sense of solidarity when I must deal with the 'others'. It helps me to be a little more patient, a little more tolerant, and I am practicing tolerance and compassion as much as possible these days. It is still a MAJOR struggle to not want to smack the crap out of other drivers 20+ times a day, but at least I am no longer cursing them verbally quite so much as I used to. I am trying (very hard) to accept that YES, Stupidity is a fact of life. I am also learning to accept that YES, the great majority of the population see nothing but themselves nor do they care to be open to other perspectives. And I am working on accepting that many of those who think they are Spiritual and compassionate are just as selfish, egotistical, and ignorant of the feelings of others as those who do not put on such pretenses.

Beyond all that, I am doing what I can to make self-adjustments and not worry so much about what others are doing. Either they fit into my flow or they do not - and vice versa. No crimps in the wire please, lol.

I give thanks for all I am and all that I will be...thanks for my real friends (especially those elite who communicate and work on the same plane as I do), for those who try to help even if they can't, for my clients, and my children.

Sending love to those who can receive it and even those who can't! To those who have hurt me, to those who have lied to and deceived me, to those who want to kill me, to those who think I am crazy, to those who fear everyone. As I said, Uranus is all about LAUGHING...Laugh hysterically and just enjoy the irony, the free falls, the pitch-black tunnels, all of it!


PS There's a poem I posted a few days back called "A Motif Foreign"