Showing posts with label Carla Bruni. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Carla Bruni. Show all posts

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Cool misty mornings and fog on the rocks in the evening

I am in a very soft and sensual mood...a poetic mood but not so much with a need to write it but rather to have it written for me or read to me. Something to touch me so deeply that I will catch my breath and daydream for hours. I am a blessed woman. I am so very loved and even in the moments I forget, my dear friends are there hiding in the shadows, just waiting for a moment to give me more love. And how I love them too, oh so much.

Life can be isn't always easy to be a starving artist (or starving astrologer), but in my quiet moments I know I how blessed I am in so many ways, even if I have yet to maintain a solid material base, lol.

Today is one of my dearest and oldest (wow, 25 years we've known one another!) friend's birthday and he took his time to give me this tidbit of poetic affection (after telling me how FL does not suit me): your vibe is totally cool misty mornings and fog on the rocks in the evening

I do not know why but I truly love that description of myself...I see how accurate it is...something wild, uncontrollable, permeating, and yet soft all at once. Even the fog on rocks fits well...underneath my soft, yielding, inherently loving self is a streak of solid and immovable, steadfast will - a rock core.

I am listening to Carli Bruni. I absolutely adore her voice. Right now it is "Le Ciel Dans une Chambre (Il Cielo in Una Stanza)."

When I am in such a mood I read poetry...not just 'famous' poets, but also poets like myself, those who write because they need to or want to. Actually, that is pretty much all poets, even the ones who eventually become well known (generally after they are dead!). So tonight I have been reading the works of others on Author's den and found this absolute gem, which I hope you will enjoy too.

Her Middle Name is Music
by Gene Williamson
Friday, June 05, 2009
I like the rhythm in her walk,
I like the tempo in her talk,
the crescendo when she kisses me.
She’s a living, loving melody,
a Grand ‘Ol Opry jamboree.
Her middle name is music.

She’s an operatic aria,
a philharmonic orchestra,
an anatomic symphony,
a rhapsody at Carnegie.

I like her syncopated hips,
the heart-shaped music on her lips,
Read the rest here!


I'm going to go sink further into Bruni's voice now.

Sweet love,
