Friday, August 21, 2009

This is why I love my life...

I am deeply touched tonight; so much so that I have tears in my eyes as I write this here to myself. So often we do not take the time to be thankful for our life, for those moments that bless us although they must end...for the memories we have shared over our lifetime with our friends, family, and loved ones. I feel a deep sense of connection to all that is, to those I love, to those I've had to let go, and for every particle of life that is. All that is.

What has brought this mood upon me? I think it is a combination of things. We watched the movie "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" and then I sat down to check emails. In my email was a message from a complete and total stranger - a website visitor. A man from another country who does not speak English fluently but his words hit me so deeply...his pain even now welling up through me. His heart breaking; his fear holding him back from the woman he loves. I work with these situations every day but there is something more wrenching when a man can admit such things to me, a total stranger, due to something I have written and shared. I am so happy to be able to help others with my own pain and my own experiences. It just simply makes the tragedies I have lived through worth it. Every single one of them. And I know so deep within my own being that no matter what else I must face in the future, it too will be worth it if I can turn it around to touch just one other Soul and bring them a sense of understanding and faith.

This is why I love my life...this sense of truly making a difference on a level that goes beyond words. It is all worth it - every life, every wound, every death, every touch and kiss, every loss. These things weave a Soul into being.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Uranian madness!

How amazing life is when Uranus is active...simply amazing. I never know what I will wake up to day to day. I think the only real way to keep one's sanity and deal with all the ups and downs and twists and turns is to LAUGH! Just laugh and laugh until you can't laugh anymore. That's what I do on roller coasters; laugh my ass off.

I laugh in the face of danger - ha ha ha roar (good ol' Lion King)

I am blessed, I know that I am and even while the great majority of those I care about the most are far from me, they are always in my heart. I have been touched so many times so deeply...and lately, when the floor is starting to shift out from under my feet, I have found that 'angels' are supporting me. I have never known what it is like to have someone truly be there for me when I need someone...I have never before known what it was like to have emotional support of any kind other than what I've been able to provide for myself. I think this must mean I have 'graduated' from a specific school of Soul torture. Progress...hell yes! And while I still fall into black moods, they do not last very long at all (see my last blog!).

No matter what, I get by, I survive, and I do it with a smile...even if I have to shed a few tears first I know that I will be smiling shortly, so that tears are nothing but a release...a flow.

Sometimes I still feel very alone but I know that is just an illusion. There are a few like myself out there and I have found them - or they me - and that gives a sense of solidarity when I must deal with the 'others'. It helps me to be a little more patient, a little more tolerant, and I am practicing tolerance and compassion as much as possible these days. It is still a MAJOR struggle to not want to smack the crap out of other drivers 20+ times a day, but at least I am no longer cursing them verbally quite so much as I used to. I am trying (very hard) to accept that YES, Stupidity is a fact of life. I am also learning to accept that YES, the great majority of the population see nothing but themselves nor do they care to be open to other perspectives. And I am working on accepting that many of those who think they are Spiritual and compassionate are just as selfish, egotistical, and ignorant of the feelings of others as those who do not put on such pretenses.

Beyond all that, I am doing what I can to make self-adjustments and not worry so much about what others are doing. Either they fit into my flow or they do not - and vice versa. No crimps in the wire please, lol.

I give thanks for all I am and all that I will be...thanks for my real friends (especially those elite who communicate and work on the same plane as I do), for those who try to help even if they can't, for my clients, and my children.

Sending love to those who can receive it and even those who can't! To those who have hurt me, to those who have lied to and deceived me, to those who want to kill me, to those who think I am crazy, to those who fear everyone. As I said, Uranus is all about LAUGHING...Laugh hysterically and just enjoy the irony, the free falls, the pitch-black tunnels, all of it!


PS There's a poem I posted a few days back called "A Motif Foreign"

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Homo cogitat, Deu indicat

I feel I shall implode or evaporate. The complexities of my thoughts are enigmatic and sullen, intense and quiet. There are no tears, no, and no words to express my mood. I do not want to analyze it nor do I want to fall into the black cloud that awaits. Many things are running through my mind, many so quickly they could never be captured. How I long for the calm of the past few weeks. I have begun a poem (as all decidedly tortured souls do) but it is thus far 3 lines:

I sigh into you,
A deep caress of the soul outbound
Entering the flesh of the world in near-silence

That is all and anything more would be forced. So here I am typing away to myself in search of...what? A drop of wisdom...a theory...some type of viewpoint to cling to? Or do I simply need to save myself or calm my mind? Winds and torrential rain, damp earth, and the scent of the past. This and nothing more. All that is. The earth and the sky, the music of lightning, of worms moving through soil...

How I wonder what it would be like to be a more simple crave less, to cherish more. To accept the 'lot' given and not be driven, ceaselessly driven to be more, to give more, to live more. To not have bouts of existential angst.

And two more lines:

I sigh into you,
A deep caress of the soul outbound
Entering the flesh of the world in near-silence,
A potent mist embalmed, a forgotten shadow
Dedicated to fields of glory, blood-stained.

This too shall pass.

Homo cogitat, Deu indicat

Don't ever forget it.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Is love so fragile...

I'm in yet another sort of soft and romantic of I will share the lyrics to one of the most enduring love songs (duet) it. I have also posted a new poem on the website that I like quite a bit - Wild and Windswept

Leather & Lace
Stevie Nicks & Don Henley

Is love so fragile...
And the heart so hollow
Shatter with words...
Impossible to follow
Youre saying I'm fragile... I try not to be
I search only... for something I can't see

I have my own life... and I am stronger
Than you know
But I carry this feeling
When you walked into my house
That you won't be walking out the door
Still I carry this feeling
When you walked into my house
That you won't be walking out the door

Lovers forever... face to face
My city or mountains
Stay with me stay
I need you to love me
I need you today
Give to me your leather...
Take from me... my lace

You in the moonlight
With your sleepy eyes
Could you ever love a man like me
And you were right
When I walked into your house
I knew I'd never want to leave
Sometimes I'm a strong man
Sometimes cold and scared
And sometimes I cry
But that time I saw you
I knew with you to light my nights
Somehow Id get by
First time I saw you
I knew with you to light my nights
Somehow I would get by

Lovers forever... face to face
My city or mountains
Stay with me stay
I need you to love me
I need you today
Give to me your leather...
Take from me... my lace

Lovers forever... face to face
My city or mountains
Stay with me stay
I need you to love me
I need you to stay
Give to me your leather
Take from me... my lace
Take from me... my lace
Take from me... my lace

Friday, July 31, 2009

Imagery of Fire & Flame

I've been thinking about how often the imagery of fire and flame appears in my writing as well as my imagination and thoughts...I wouldn't say that I use it more than anything else, but quite often, especially when writing somewhat erotic pieces. It's not unusual, I suppose, but I come from a very - let's just say - HEATED history and still, to this day, smell fire or feel heat when there isn't anything obvious happening or showing. When I was little I would get up in the night searching for fires quite often and that still happens occasionally because I really do smell it. I have a very sensitive sense of smell and this may explain some of it.

I like to sit and watch flames dance, just sit in the quiet watching in a somewhat meditative state. I do this with candles and fireplaces and rarely (these days) bon fires. It can be used as a door into deeper parts of myself or connect me to the Universe so I can receive messages. It may be my so-called 'lack' of fire in my chart (I have to laugh about that though, as I can be very fiery - I do truly count my Aries DSC and my first house planets), or it may be my history. Perhaps a combination of things...but what I am dancing around is my quest to understand why I so often use fire in erotic works. The passion? The feeling of being consumed? Dying such a glorious 'death'...or the desire to be so intensely involved with a special someone that it feels as if we are so hot for one another that we ARE on fire?

Yes, I know, I can be a bit of a dreamer but I do have intense needs and desires. Yet I am a realist enough to understand that no one can actually set the sheets on fire (or can they? lol)...nor would I truly want to catch fire (again) but it is a sensual, consuming image and I like it.

LOL...this is how my mind works, in twists and turns until I come to the conclusion. All that jabber lead me back to a simple "sensual, consuming image and I like it." There's the answer.

So...I have a new poem up called Falling Away in Ashes with, yes, fire and flames and burning consumption...

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Cool misty mornings and fog on the rocks in the evening

I am in a very soft and sensual mood...a poetic mood but not so much with a need to write it but rather to have it written for me or read to me. Something to touch me so deeply that I will catch my breath and daydream for hours. I am a blessed woman. I am so very loved and even in the moments I forget, my dear friends are there hiding in the shadows, just waiting for a moment to give me more love. And how I love them too, oh so much.

Life can be isn't always easy to be a starving artist (or starving astrologer), but in my quiet moments I know I how blessed I am in so many ways, even if I have yet to maintain a solid material base, lol.

Today is one of my dearest and oldest (wow, 25 years we've known one another!) friend's birthday and he took his time to give me this tidbit of poetic affection (after telling me how FL does not suit me): your vibe is totally cool misty mornings and fog on the rocks in the evening

I do not know why but I truly love that description of myself...I see how accurate it is...something wild, uncontrollable, permeating, and yet soft all at once. Even the fog on rocks fits well...underneath my soft, yielding, inherently loving self is a streak of solid and immovable, steadfast will - a rock core.

I am listening to Carli Bruni. I absolutely adore her voice. Right now it is "Le Ciel Dans une Chambre (Il Cielo in Una Stanza)."

When I am in such a mood I read poetry...not just 'famous' poets, but also poets like myself, those who write because they need to or want to. Actually, that is pretty much all poets, even the ones who eventually become well known (generally after they are dead!). So tonight I have been reading the works of others on Author's den and found this absolute gem, which I hope you will enjoy too.

Her Middle Name is Music
by Gene Williamson
Friday, June 05, 2009
I like the rhythm in her walk,
I like the tempo in her talk,
the crescendo when she kisses me.
She’s a living, loving melody,
a Grand ‘Ol Opry jamboree.
Her middle name is music.

She’s an operatic aria,
a philharmonic orchestra,
an anatomic symphony,
a rhapsody at Carnegie.

I like her syncopated hips,
the heart-shaped music on her lips,
Read the rest here!


I'm going to go sink further into Bruni's voice now.

Sweet love,


Saturday, July 4, 2009

God(dess) Bless the USA - The American Flag

From the Lakes of Minnesota to the hills of Tennessee, across the plains of Texas, from Sea to shining Sea, from Detroit down to Houston and New York to LA....

'Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land,
God Bless the USA!

Happy 233rd Birthday, America!

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The American Flag

When Freedom from her mountain height
Unfurled her standard to the air
She tore the azure robe of night
And set the stars of glory there!

She mingled with its gorgeous dyes
The milky baldric of the skies,
And striped its pure celestial white
With streakings of the morning light;

Then, from his mansion in the sun,
She called her eagle-bearer down,
And gave into his mighty hand,
The symbol of her chosen land.

Flag of the brave! thy folds shall fly
The sign of hope and triumph high!
When speaks the signal-trumpet tone
And the long line comes gleaming on.

Ere yet the life-blood, warm and wet,
Has dimmed the glistening bayonet
Each soldier eye shall brightly turn
To where thy sky-born glories burn,
And as his springing steps advance,
Catch war and vengeance from the glance;

And when the cannon-mouthings loud
Heaven in wild wreaths the battle-shroud
And gory sabers rise and fall,
Like shoots of flame on midnight's pall;

Then shall thy meteor-glances glow,
And cowering foes shall sink beneath
Each gallant arm that strikes below
That lovely messenger of death.

Flag of the seas! on ocean wave
Thy stars shall glitter o'er the brave;
When death. careening on the gale,
Sweeps darkly round the bellied sail,

And frighted waves rush wildly back
Before the broadside's reeling rack,
Each dying wanderer of the sea
Shall look at once to heaven and thee.
And smile to see thy splendors fly
In triumph o'er his closing eye.

Flag of the free heart's hope and home,
By angel hands to valor given!
Thy stars have lit the welkin dome,
And all thy hues were born in heaven.

Forever float that standard sheet!
Where breathes the foe but falls before us,
When Freedom's soil beneath our feet,
And Freedom's banner streaming o'er us!"

Joseph Rodman Drake

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Each breath I take has the potential...

I am in the process of becoming...each breath I take has the potential to bring a new perspective...every time I exhale I am connected with all that is. I have reached a crossroad in my growth, a point where I can see the land unfolding before me in the distance, undulating and beautiful, like cherry blossoms in the spring or the sweet laughter of a child at play. This is the path I wish to take, to tread lightly upon yet remain grounded in form. It is not that I haven't been on path up until now because certainly I have, although I have chosen a very rocky and unsteady road to travel upon...but if I continue upon this road it will only become steeper and more dangerous. I am sure many of you have seen road signs in a mountainous area that says "Watch for falling rocks." Well, I have no desire to be one of those rocks crashing unceremoniously.

My main obstacle now - which I have been aware of for several years - is basically my health. Without that, we have nothing. And I have struggled with several health issues that I know, without a doubt, can be healed through diet. I have experience with implementing dietary interventions for both myself and my son but I tend to fall off the boat when stress becomes too much. When the bank account is empty and little is flowing to me, it becomes a major struggle because, let's face it, it is much cheaper to eat fast food or carbohydrates than it is to nourish ourselves with organic fruits and vegetables and free-range or grass-fed meats. Modern food is addictive and the dietary guidelines provided, at least here in the US, are ridiculously misleading. I know what I need to do diet-wise to heal myself and to become the healthy, glowing individual I wish to be...I see the potential but have yet to develop a smooth-flowing source of income that would support these changes. I love my work and am developing several new things but these things take time.

Once I heal myself physically I know I will move more toward healing others physically. I see a wide open gap that I can help fill and once I complete my studies - both bookwise, in the field, and with my Self healing - I will be a very valuable source for others. I feel myself moving further and further away from working with relationships but it tends to go in a spiral sort of cycle. It no longer holds the fascination or the challenge it once did. When I'm bored, I must move on...only the karma and soul growth aspects of the work are interesting now.

Please send me a few new Soul paths or Karmic Synastry readings soon!

I've been told it takes courage to write about my personal challenges and life in my blogs but I don't know...I feel that I connect more powerfully to the Universe and to the web of life through sharing myself with the world in this context. I have little need to prove myself to others or indeed, to hide myself from others. I feel that by genuinely expressing my own being that it helps others realize that they too can be who they are without fear. The trouble with the world is that most care way too much what others think of them...and people criticize and judge others harshly usually because they are projecting part of themself outward on the other. The one who irritates you the most is the one who is expressing a characteristic that is also your own, only demonized or kept as a shadow by one's personality/ego. What we do not understand, we have a tendency to fear...this is why so many have feared me, because they do not understand me. I do not fit in with the general population, the societal mindframe, or the expectations of others. This has caused me great grief at times in my life where others have attacked me or tried to change me. I have been critical of others in the past and I have worked long and hard with this lesson myself. It was very difficult when I was younger to not fear those who do not resonate with me - certainly any young child or teenager or even young adult would fear those who feared them and threatened them! So while they were attacking me, I in turn would critcize them either openly (rarely) or within my own being. I did not understand that it was I who was the threat to them! I felt I was being unfairly ostracized but while this may break others and cause them to become what others want them to be in order to lessen the pain, it did not break me because I am very pig-headed and very rebellious. The more others wanted to break me, the more fearful I truly became as I became a negative source of power. In retrospect I can clearly see now where I created my own obstacles and erected my own fortress around my heart and being. Yet I do not blame myself for what was, nor do I harbor any regrets for the struggles have created who I am today. I can truly and clearly say that I love myself. I love my eccentricities and the flukes in my personality, things that give me much to smile about and work on or bridge. Now that I understand why others do the things they do I am much less critical of their failings. It helps to keep in mind "let he who is without sin, cast the first stone."

I have been distracted by a phone call from the school and am now feeling let me share a poem with you instead:

The Happiest Day, The Happiest Hour

The happiest day- the happiest hour
My sear'd and blighted heart hath known,
The highest hope of pride and power,
I feel hath flown.

Of power! said I? yes! such I ween;
But they have vanish'd long, alas!
The visions of my youth have been-
But let them pass.

And, pride, what have I now with thee?
Another brow may even inherit
The venom thou hast pour'd on me
Be still, my spirit!

The happiest day- the happiest hour
Mine eyes shall see- have ever seen,
The brightest glance of pride and power,
I feel- have been:

But were that hope of pride and power
Now offer'd with the pain
Even then I felt- that brightest hour
I would not live again:

For on its wing was dark alloy,
And, as it flutter'd- fell
An essence- powerful to destroy
A soul that knew it well.

Edgar Allan Poe

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Poker Face and A poem

I'm a rambler tonight...let me mention, before I forget, that a poem finally erupted out of me this morning and is posted on the site: Water and Stone, Ice and Flame

Ahhh...well, I have no one to talk to and I am sooooo chatty. Poor Sonja is hurting and I wore her out the past two nights with my jabber...we had a great Astro-chat though. At least I didn't keep her up until 3 am last night for once. I am supposed to be working but I don't feel like it. I went out to lunch with my two lovely sisters - first time in a very long time it was just us - and had a good talk and that sort of set the current mood. But who am I kidding, I woke up needing to communicate, and out popped the poem. Tonight is 'movie night' with Gare, so that will be nice. He just came over and I made him listen to Poker Face and he said he hates it. LOL He always says he hates stuff and then I catch him singing it later on.

Not sure if I put any vacation photos in the blog yet (and can't check without publishing) so I think I will share a few. The 3rd is Cold Mountain (taken from the Blue Ridge Parkway), which is the mtn we stayed on. The 2nd is Looking Glass Falls in the Pisgah National Forest. The 1st is a very erotic statue/fountain of Persephone I found on a walk in Charleston. I have so many more pics, just haven't made them small enough to share yet. I've promised my friends on myspace to get them around but that hasn't happened!!

Love in the darkness...let's dance

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The tension of becoming...or not...

"You're everywhere to me, when I close my eyes it's you I see.
You're everything I know that makes me believe I'm not alone."

A few lines from "Everywhere" by Michelle me this is an incredibly powerful spiritual song, whether or not it was written and performed as such. Sometimes all I have is my relationship to Spirit and I suppose, in the end, that is all any of us truly have and I am blessed to have it. There are times when I question my direction and I know that I must simply let go and let higher power work through me but it is not easy, not at all, to relinquish working toward the dreams and basic desires that we all, in body, share. And I am very firmly entrenched in body despite fighting it for the majority of this life! It seems an odd catch-22 that I must deal with a body but am to face life from a perspective of not being my own person with my own dreams but rather a voice and a channel and a priest and... Erosion of the ego, I suppose.

I am feeling quite sad tonight...sad and alone, though not alone...never that. When I am feeling this way I can quite understand why some monks used to flog themselves...the pain of the body takes away the pain of the emotions and the longing for what they cannot enjoy. I can understand why those who do not have a strong link to Spirit (and perhaps the body itself) take their own lives when they feel such unbearable pain. But oh, it's nothing new to me, no...not new at all. I wanted to write a poem but nothing would come out...the few bits that did were too like prior works. I can't even find release that way at the moment, lol. Yet despite the pain and sadness, I keep on the happy, understanding, comforting face so others can have their needs met while mine go, as always, unfulfilled.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

My lips would be wet with your kisses...

Right about now you'd be saying sweet nothings,
and I'd be hanging on your every word
My lips would be wet with your kisses,
and we'd be lost in our own little world

Right about now, I'd be feeling your heart beat
and your fingers touching my skin
Oh, what I wouldn't give to be back in your arms somehow
Oh, Right about now

Right about now, you'd promise forever
and swear I hadn't felt nothing yet
Then you'd pull me a little bit closer
and I'd play just hard enough to get

Right about now, we'd be under the covers
making love that knew no shame
What I wouldn't do to be with you somehow
Right about now


Now the clock on the wall keeps ticking
oh but time's sure been passing slow
And it's myself that I've been kicking
for ever letting you go

But darling, you know where to find me
should you have a change of heart
I sure could use a little of you no doubt
Right about now

I sure could use you, baby, right about now
Since you've been gone there's nothing, right about now.
I sure do need your touching right about now
Right about now

Tanya Tucker : Right About Now Lyrics
Songwriters: Rick Bowles; Jeff Silbar

I love this song and know that feeling of longing so very well. I am in a soft, nearly sad yet sensual sort of mood.I know, I know...I'm a strange one. I could try to write something but it is easier to listen to music, lol! Maybe when I'm done putting up the new candles I have in.

Monday, June 15, 2009

The song of the calls to me

Today is a creative day...I felt it the moment my eyes opened this morning. A dreamy haze-like day but one in which I must also work and conquer a few things in preparation for a difficult day tomorrow. So I began my day with a poem, which I have already posted on the site, called No Thunderous Dance. Then I read several poems, finally settling on two by Sara Teasdale (is is Sarah with an h or without? I've seen it both ways!). The one on the website is her work "Come" - short but strong. And below is "Ebb Tide"...I may have shared this one before!

Ebb Tide

When the long day goes by
And I do not see your face,
The old wild, restless sorrow
Steals from its hiding place.

My day is barren and broken,
Bereft of light and song,
A sea beach bleak and windy
That moans the whole day long.

To the empty beach at ebb tide,
Bare with its rocks and scars,
Come back like the sea with singing,
And light of a million stars.

Sarah Teasdale

My mind has been playing with an image of Persephone I saw in Charleston a few days ago - a bronze statue - that I really liked a lot. I am not yet sure what will come from this image but it is symbolic and touching something within that should arise in some form, be it a memory or a poem or some other creative work. Despite the seeming importance, I only took one photo! Luckily it turned out all right :D

I'm in a place where all things seem tinted with a touch of gold and pink, at least within myself, for the moment. I am not sure if I am happy or sad or in a state of inner peace, no matter how temporary. But I go to the chiro soon and then must come back down to Earth and get busy with what must be done, no matter how boring or mundane.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Surrender to the Universe (or at least the music!)

When all is dark, I have faith there will be light again...when the clouds fade the path will be clear...this I say, this I know, as I will it, it will be so :)

It's been a rough few days and I suspect it will be a challenging summer, but all I can do is go with the flow and surrender to the Universe.

I am not writing much lately as I have been too involved with work and the necessities of living...I do not have much time for me, as it were. I have developed a new passion, which is belly dancing! LOL I wish I had more time for it and my spine would cooperate more, but I am slowly learning and enjoying it. I feel very at home with the movements and do have decent isolation due to practicing yoga off and on for years...but it will take time and it is for me anyhow, so it doesn't much matter how long it takes. I need to get a big mirror though so I can watch rather than just feel - which I am doing currently.

It is so hot here, very oppressive.

Listening to this belly dancing song called Naweam by Mohamed V. I think it is my favorite of all the hundred or so I've heard so far. It definitely gets me moving! So have to go now and move! lol

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Home again, home again, jiggity jig

Ahhh...what tired, aching feet!! But it WAS a great day and Gare was soooo happy. Love making him happy. Can't believe he is 10 (TEN) years old already!!!

We've been at Epcot all day for his birthday...just got him to bed. Love him soooooo much. Here's a few pictures from today:

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The cold and sparkling silver of the sea...

I stole the title to this entry from the following poem by Sara Teasdale, which called to me so clearly today. How I do enjoy her work.

I Thought of You

I thought of you and how you love this beauty,
And walking up the long beach all alone
I heard the waves breaking in measured thunder
As you and I once heard their monotone.

Around me were the echoing dunes, beyond me
The cold and sparkling silver of the sea,
We two will pass through death and ages lengthen
Before you hear that sound again with me.

Sara Teasdale

This is the way of love,
how it grows and shifts...two lines from my poem, This is How I Love You Now

Today is calm and quiet but not much is getting done. I've been daydreaming of traveling and came across an article on bogs and that led me to Glenullin, Gleann An lolair, in Northern Ireland. While reading the information on the Iron Age culture my longing and love for the rushing cold waves of the North Atlantic crashed over me. I would like to return to the stark and quiet beauty eventually.

I have posted a new poem today called "The Bones the Soul of this Religion"

Saturday, February 7, 2009

A Blackened Room

I have written a few poems and posted them since I wrote last. I just haven't had much time for poetry or more personal things as work is keeping me hopping with several new and returning clients. I wrote a new one this morning called "A Blackened Room," which you can read on the website.

I have a new laptop that is really just fine...optimized for HD TV, with really enjoying it. All the better to work with, my dear.

It appears that my trip to Scotland will have to be postponed now due to the expense of the air ticket and the nasty weather over there and up north. No way am I going to get stranded in the Newark Airport for 2 days again...nope. Instead I am planning a trip down to Key West, complete with a ghost tour and a visit to the Key West Cemetery, the southernmost point of the US, the Ernest Hemingway Home, the Robert Frost cottage, and certainly more. I considered going to Mardi Gras in New Orleans but think I'd prefer a quieter break, lol. Hopefully I will come back with a few new poetic works to share. So here's one I enjoy by Robert Frost:

Ghost House

I dwell in a lonely house I know
That vanished many a summer ago,
And left no trace but the cellar walls,
And a cellar in which the daylight falls,
And the purple-stemmed wild raspberries grow.

O'er ruined fences the grape-vines shield
The woods come back to the mowing field;
The orchard tree has grown one copse
Of new wood and old where the woodpecker chops;
The footpath down to the well is healed.

I dwell with a strangely aching heart
In that vanished abode there far apart
On that disused and forgotten road
That has no dust-bath now for the toad.
Night comes; the black bats tumble and dart;

The whippoorwill is coming to shout
And hush and cluck and flutter about:
I hear him begin far enough away
Full many a time to say his say
Before he arrives to say it out.

It is under the small, dim, summer star.
I know not who these mute folk are
Who share the unlit place with me--
Those stones out under the low-limbed tree
Doubtless bear names that the mosses mar.

They are tireless folk, but slow and sad,
Though two, close-keeping, are lass and lad,--
With none among them that ever sings,
And yet, in view of how many things,
As sweet companions as might be had.

Robert Frost

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

No new poetry....

YET...thank that damn slave driver who's had my nose to the grindstone for the past several days. I've achieved amazing feats of work...the list for today was hellacious and I thought I would never complete it. Guess what?? I DID and it is just 9 pm!! I need a pat on the back...but the next several days will be just as grueling, except Saturday I am taking half a day off to take my daughter out for her 16th birthday. 16?? WTF, I do not know where all that time flew away to. LOL Got to love it. Her bday is on Friday.

Oh, yeah, the slave driver is ME. Believe me, you would never ever in a million years want to work beneath me. Ever. Not unless you are a glutton for punishment and get off on being pushed to achieve to utmost of your humanly capability. An occasional project would be ok, I would be somewhat lenient if you can impress me with your genius or make me laugh. But as a regular employee? Nope, you would be expected to exert as much energy as I do, every day that I do.

I have a few more of the audio poems up. I decided to put up a few old ones from the collections. Hopefully I will have something new to share soon.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Sea Stealing

I am trying out this audio poetry is taking a lot of disk space on the website so I think I will have to just do a few then switch them out instead of building a big vocal library. Or...I can fork out more money monthly for more space but as my poetry doesn't really bring in much money it doesn't make fiscal sense. lol Well if I take off some of the photos I will have more room for the audio stuff. It's an experiment.

My latest poem is called "Sea Stealing Shore" and is currently posted on the website, both in written and audio form.

I'm juggling several new things all at once, some exciting and some blah...we will see how my new projects turn out. I am always full of ideas but unfortunately I am only one person and can't even begin to take advantage of all that blossoms in my mind. Sometimes I wish I could clone myself but then we'd all try to be in charge of each other, LOL No, not good, not good at all!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

This Is How I Love You Now

Funny how this poem (the title of this blog) came to me, nudging me from my sleep...I had been up for about an hour (from 5:30 am - 6:30 am) and went back to bed. I was nearly asleep, on the edge of sinking in, when suddenly the first line of this poem came to me, followed by several others. Usually when this happens I allow them to dance around in there and then I fall asleep anyhow, which means the lines will be lost. This morning I just felt I had to capture this, so I stumbled around in the dark and found a pen and my beautiful Italian leather bound journal imprinted with "The Allegory of Spring" by Sandro Boticelli. Actually it just has the Muses from that painting. This journal was given to me as a gift from a client a few years ago. It is so beautiful I hesitated to write in it for a while but then took it to Scotland with me and began writing in it then. But this new poem has the honor of being written in this beautiful journal, hand scratched in the dark. Yes, I do write in the dark sometimes, lol.

I do like this poem, not sure exactly why I like it so much as it came in very easily and there it is. I was even thinking I might like to record this one, but we will see...

I've also updated the site with a beautiful poem called "If You Forget Me" by Pablo Neruda.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

No, dear, I am not the Antichrist

So, so sorry to disappoint...LOL. Seriously, some idiot typed my name into goggle asking if I was the Antichrist. At first I wasn't sure whether to worry or laugh but as you can see, laughter won. I really have to wonder how many dumbass people there are in the world. I am a human, just like everyone else. I have my sorrows and my joys, my good times, and my bad...and I definitely am not powerful enough to be the Antichrist nor would I ever want to be. Nor am I a dark soul, just an older and more integrated one than most...I am wise enough to know that without dark there would be no light.

I'm still contemplating on whether my new design is too bright...I do like bright colors, ok...more or less ALL colors.

Today I have written a new poem called Each Star Stares Down It isn't a very cheery poem at all to kick off the New Year and sort of odd at that as I am in a wonderful mood! But what comes out, comes out and that's all there is to it. It started coming in while I was in the shower.

Well, I had the quietest Christmas of my life and enjoyed it very much. It was cold in Virginia, in the New River Valley, but not enough to snow. We did get to see remnants of snow along the river up in the higher elevations. We spent our time playing games, watching movies, watching the amazing sunsets from the front porch of our cottage, taking walks, and going on drives in the peaceful country. We had planned a Civil War daytrip on Sunday (the 28th) to Cloyd's Farm, the Dublin depot, and the site where they destoyed the bridge but my son wasn't feeling well so we had to nix it. Hopefully on our next visit we will be able to stop there. I actually slept very well and felt very at peace and reconnected with my children, my partner, and our Mother Earth in the quiet. I will share a few of my holiday pics here and there are more on the poetry sites front page.

Those pics were taken from the front porch. At night it was so dark, especially as the New Moon was Saturday (Dec 27th)...the sky was lit up with the constellations. It was the loveliest thing I've ever seen.