Thursday, May 13, 2010

The path of its departure still is free

Ahh, it always turbulence for us romantics? I suppose we create our own realities through our thought forms and dreams but sometimes no matter how positive and certain we are, we are smacked in the face and left to drown.

So we share Saturn-Neptune and a reversed nodal axis (by sign), as well as our controversial mind-sets and depth of emotion that arises through painful experience. 

I have a lot I want to say but am unable to get it out. At least I am used to rejection and denial so although death by sea sounds almost fantastic at the moment, I carry on. Neptune's presence is felt.


We are the clouds that veil the midnight moon;
How restlessly they speed, and gleam, and quiver,
Streaking the darkness radiantly!--yet soon
Night closes round, and they are lost forever:

Or like forgotten lyres, whose dissonant strings
Give various response to each varying blast,
To whose frail frame no second motion brings
One mood or modulation like the last.

We rest.--A dream has power to poison sleep;
We rise.--One wandering thought pollutes the day;
We feel, conceive or reason, laugh or weep;
Embrace fond foe, or cast our cares away.

It is the same!--For, be it joy or sorrow,
The path of its departure still is free:
Man's yesterday may ne'er be like his morrow;
Nought may endure but Mutability.

Percy Bysshe Shelley

I bow to your mastery, your vision, and grace.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

K'un - Ta be blessed, to be a blessing

I am a radiant being and as such, I am a bountiful and blessed channel as I recognize, however humbly, that I am to serve and to serve joyfully...perhaps in a different way than I am currently, but all will reveal itself as life unfolds. I have talked about my ego several times over the past few months and am afraid that the very word 'ego' has a negative connotation and has been misunderstood by others at times in the past. Without an ego we are rudderless in navigating our own lives. As Maurice Fernandez says in his book "Neptune": Love originates through EGO. Only through ego can one identify emotionally with anything. He also states: "Ego is the vessel of personal consciousness through which evolution proceeds."

Thus, without an ego, we cannot understand what it is to love; nor can we actively participate in our own lives or in the process of evolution of our species. To have an ego is not negative. To have an ego is to be able to love, to understand love, and to give love generously to others. I have a defined heart center; I have an ego. I can give and give and give love. This ability is not always appreciated, respected, or understood.  Perhaps I have not always understood or respected it enough myself, as I have had to mature and grow just like the rest of us (well, for those of us who do! Sadly, it isn't a very high percentage). Now, however, as I go deeper into studying the I-Ching and the Tao Te Ching as I learn the Human Design, I find myself making progress at a rapid pace. This is also, due in part, to the blessings freely given to me by my spiritual friends, particularly Dean who has been like an Angel to me recently during an extremely difficult passage and Paulo who inspires me every weekend with poetry, photography, music, and words of the Masters right when I need to feel the comfort of the Universe wrapped about me so I do not fall into negativity. Without their kindness, connection, and giving, I would be (or would have been, in the past) unable to shoulder the burden of weekly separation from my SP, a separation I have yet to fathom. I have decided to no longer focus or think deeply on it. It is what it is.

I am feeling calmer than ever, with Chiron opposing my Mars and Neptune trine my Venus and square to him/her self. Calm despite the winds blowing around me. Calm despite the unsettled sea. Calm in the face of adversity and the deep echoes. I am loved and I am loving. I am learning and I am growing. I am happy thus. Throughout life I have been pulled and pushed, overwhelmed, pressured, clung too, worn down and worn out, overpowered, and walked I wish to lead a natural and peaceful life without all of the ups and downs, dramas and traumas, and emotional tragedy and pain. I want to release any anger and pain that still resides within. I want to feel at one in my peaceful state; to maintain the love that flows through me and share it with those who appreciate the deeper ways of being despite any hardship or sorrow. I am like a mountain being transformed and reshaped as the river rushes up against me.

I am tired now but I am feeling at peace.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Perched upon a jutting stone... I am. Although I have been writing and writing and writing I haven't written much poetry or had too much of an urge to honor this blog with a ramble. Actually I have written a few poems over the past week or so but am thus far keeping them to myself :)  I do that sometimes!

The title of this blog, "Perched upon a jutting stone" is an ancient iambic fragment belonging to Archilochus, who lived from 687 - 652 BC. I have been deep in study mode and my studies range from very in-depth, psychological astrology stuff to ancient poetry to the Human design. It's amazing how much I've been able to accomplish, but now I am feeling a bit drained and need to relax more. Allow all I've been learning to integrate and sink in deeper. I chose the title for this blog because that is how I am feeling today, like I am perched upon a jutting stone, daydreaming, perhaps looking out over the sea...allowing myself to move with the waves as they wash around me. I also like the sexual connotation of a 'jutting' stone, and how it can be read in various ways. I like his work, most of which comes to us now in fragments.  Here are a few that intrigue me:

"Such desire for love, coiled at my heart,
shed a thick mist over my eyes,
stealing the tender senses from my breast."

and another:

"Wracked with desire I lie,
lifeless, pierced through the bone
by the crushing pains of the gods."

I will take that into myself...oh, how I know that feeling so well. Pierced and unsettled, crushed and yet alive. Needing more but forced to accept what is available in the present.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Quiet and Contemplative

It's been a relatively quiet weekend and I've been deep in thought for much of it. I haven't accomplished much work that I intended but my Soul needs some down time and pleasure. So I've been reading and thinking on spiritual topics and reading about sexuality...I suppose my mind is a bit lost in all that I am dreaming of but if I dream it, I can manifest it - if the time is right.

So I had an epiphany last night regarding my Saturn-Neptune book and why I am now finally ready to write it...when the idea originally sprang forth (years ago!) I had much less experience - personally and professionally - and much of the experience I had at that point was negative (at least with synastry, both with myself and my clients) and I needed to have this recent insight that would deepen the book exponentially. It is so simple and so obvious now but yet I never thought of it in such a way before. I can see how patience can pay off in the long run...if I had pushed myself in the past I would have produced an inferior project to the one I will be able to present now. I have such a great feeling about it and feel quite confident.

I was reading a bit about Eros and then daydreamed for a while about the tour D George is giving in Egypt in October. I would so love to go on that trip. I can only hope it will be offered again in the future. The one to South America and to Greece also pulls me strongly. I am so restless with Uranus opposing my Mercury/Pluto and my sexual energy is so fierce with Pluto sextile my Moon...Venus is opposing my Sun today and T Sun is on my NN and here I am, alone. No company. No love forthcoming. No conversations. No gifts or attention. But this is ok, I have my books and my dreams. I have a 'voice' and this is a recurring thought over the past 24 hours. Voice. Silence. Voice. I am a Lover and have the voice to give and share Love. I am a very sexual creature but am able to channel this energy into creative works...most of the time. It is interesting how potent Saturn in the 12th is for me. It would be easy for me to say I am lonely but in a sense I am not. I am calm and centered in the moment. I accept that I have to let things unfold and participate more as an observer now. So my focus turns to my projects and professional aspirations.

I think of my deep sensuality, my love of eros within all things, and the realization I have had concerning what sets me apart from others and contributes to that reoccurring sense of being 'apart' from people while quite deep in the Universal flow. My Saturn-Neptune as a spiritual bridge. My rich Venus in Libra and her love of the intellect, posh settings, and ancient history...the sensuality within architecture and the gardens of the Earth. The aspects of life and living that I value are no longer valued by society (for the most part). The glass and steel buildings replacing the stone and brick...the lack of beauty and refinement. The sense of quality over quantity. The importance of ritual and rhythm. The deep connection and responsibility to nuture and express our own sensuality. Everyday life in such environment and the mind-set of the nation (and beyond) to rape and take advantage to make a profit is depressing. My poetry that so few care to understand or are not educated enough to do so. The sensuality underlying most things I attracts others because it is so unusual...yet this is how life should be. All of us should enjoy and express sensuality - eros - as so integrated into our life, environment, and being that I would not be 'apart'. So I lead by example, I suppose, and this is part of my ability to help others awaken.

Seattle is calling to me again.  I am not sure what I will find there but there is something nudging me to get there. I will return to this thought at some later point, perhaps after I discover what the something is. LOL

Thursday, February 11, 2010

I'm in a great mood...

Wow, not sure why but I am feeling wonderful could be the quiet and privacy!  Everyone is gone but me...what a miracle!  So I am just expressing my joy for half a moment before I get to work on my karmic reading.  I feel just great!  I hope my SP wakes up happy too :D

Monday, February 8, 2010

I am in a dark - oh, so very dark - mood...

I am in a dark - oh, so very dark - mood. I want to be ridden...driven...impaled...taken over the edge and ripped apart. A nice cemetery would do...or a misty forest...maybe a dungeon. I just want some be be swallowed whole and transformed. It's like being driven beyond despair and in need of physical expression to be back inside myself and fully alive. Nothing I say here now could possibly explain mind is full of images and words as well as feelings and a potent, trembling brew of pure fury. As I cannot describe this further, I will indulge myself graphically.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

To be or not to be, that is the question... So I was reading some poetry and came across Slyvia Plath's "Blackberrying" which just blew me away after my last blog about how difficult it is to be truly original. I say this now because I never knew this poem existed yet I, too, wrote one about blackberries...which is different but still blew me away. I've decided that I love her. Unfortunately so few truly did in her lifetime.


Nobody in the lane, and nothing, nothing but blackberries,
Blackberries on either side, though on the right mainly,
A blackberry alley, going down in hooks, and a sea
Somewhere at the end of it, heaving. Blackberries
Big as the ball of my thumb, and dumb as eyes
Ebon in the hedges, fat
With blue-red juices. These they squander on my fingers.
I had not asked for such a blood sisterhood; they must love me.
They accommodate themselves to my milkbottle, flattening their sides.

Overhead go the choughs in black, cacophonous flocks ---
Bits of burnt paper wheeling in a blown sky.
Theirs is the only voice, protesting, protesting.
I do not think the sea will appear at all.
The high, green meadows are glowing, as if lit from within.
I come to one bush of berries so ripe it is a bush of flies,
Hanging their bluegreen bellies and their wing panes in a Chinese screen.
The honey-feast of the berries has stunned them; they believe in heaven.
One more hook, and the berries and bushes end.
The only thing to come now is the sea.

From between two hills a sudden wind funnels at me,
Slapping its phantom laundry in my face.
These hills are too green and sweet to have tasted salt.
I follow the sheep path between them. A last hook brings me
To the hills' northern face, and the face is orange rock
That looks out on nothing, nothing but a great space
Of white and pewter lights, and a din like silversmiths
Beating and beating at an intractable metal.

Slyvia Plath
And my poem, from my collection Immortality Lives....
Only For Berries

Berries on the bush,
Purple bundles sweet,
Clusters in the sun.
I feel so close to you now;
At home with you
In the dense overgrowth.

We speak kindly before
Our audience--fat little sparrows
Anxious to be alone.
What actors we are!
No one suspects we
Are here only for berries.

I will bake your blackberry cobbler,
Watch you pick the hard, little seeds
From your teeth one more time
As you smile up at me
So handsomely, like a small boy.

Coming here--
        For the berries--
Brings the past into the present.

Sharp memories;
Making love on the path.
You tracing my skin
With purple lips, lifting
My hips with scratched hands.

You’re watching me now,
Closer than the sparrows,
With hunger in your eyes
And darkened lips from the past.
“Come here.”

I hear your whisper;
It cuts like the thorns.
Coming here,
        For the berries,
Was a bad idea.

Yet, I allow your lips to
stain mine, knowing that this
was your way, so sweet and painful,
         Of saying goodbye.
We are here only for berries.

Dena L Moore
September 3, 2001
I have always had a feeling that I will be loved much more once I am gone than I am in life.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


The love that you withhold is the pain that you carry.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

The more we give love, the greater our capacity to do so.

David R Hawkins
I am in a strong Neptunian phase today...oh, how I am drifting in and out of different levels of awareness. I am not focused but I am dreamy...and my heart is overflowing with tenderness and appreciation for my life as I am living it, the here and now and the future. For all that has gone before and all that will come ahead. Underlying everything is an intense connection to Spirit and a deep adoration for my beloved. My heart is full and continues to expand with love for him in a way no one would believe even if I shared it...if one has not felt this intense connection to all that is through a loved one, well, they simply could not understand.  It is not that I 'worship' him but rather I honor his inner god, his Soul, and his very essence. The spark of him. What I see within him, some of which I do not even know if he sees himself. His beauty and illumination. A magnificent spark incased in glorious flesh.
Despite all that is difficult in our lives I am happy...happier than I have ever been. Joyful in my love and in the expansiveness within my own being. A deep awareness of the unity of Spirit and Flesh. A joy so deep that it reaches so far within myself that it moves beyond my own being and spreads out to touch the lives of others. This is what my love has brought into my world, into my life, and while life may be challenging, it is always perfect.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

A man of mythic

Oh, I know I should be working on this calendar but my mind and heart are both so far, far away and I can't wait until I am physically far away too! I have been daydreaming of my SP and just feeling a surge of energy that is difficult to ignore or contain. I really want to write a poem to put my feelings into some sort of form but I will have to force-focus in a moment as I have had complaints that the January calendar is not done. Still, I need to release some of this and so here I am for a brief moment. Somehow when I think of him or connect with him, I can feel the very pulse of so much more than any one human should be able to feel. I do not know how to put it into any clearer words...what we share goes beyond words or a typical relationship. We are communicating on so many levels all the time...lately I have wondered if we, and others like us, will be the forerunners for future relationship development on a evolutionary scale. I have felt a shift taking place in the general population for the past few years, how they approach love and relationship, how what was once taboo is now the norm, how people want more from relationships and are less willing to settle and accept the picket fence dream and outdated beliefs that no longer fit the 'race' we are becoming.

I have never felt for anyone else as I feel for SP...even when the old fears start to creep up, I am able to slay them quite quickly. I am able to recognize them for what they are and not project them outward. His energy is just so exciting and yet comfortable all at once. I wish I could be with him in this very moment, whispering something sweet and sexy, drawing him to me...feeling the energy run between us...he is truly a man of mythic proportion. A dragon...a phoenix...a fighting catfish...a warrior-king...oh, so much and rolled into such a gorgeous humanly form to tempt and tease me and drive me wild with desire. I desire him...not just sexually, but intellectually, all ways.  I can only be patient and take it a day at a time...but I am counting the days.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

I am filled with wonder

today.  I have had such a terrible and stressful week and have had to let go of someone who has been important to me, but today I am in such a calm and open mood.  I only have a moment to write but have to express this wonder!  I was looking over old photos, searching for one in particular I took for SP over a year ago that he never had a chance to see, when I saw one of his pictures - of course I HAD to look at him, as I always love to do! lol  But today I just looked and found tears rolling down my face. They came from nowhere. I was confused for a second but then realized they were tears of JOY!  This is why I am filled with wonder. I am amazed and happy. He is so gorgeous and intriguing and brilliant and fascinating and...oh!  Sometimes I make myself blush when thinking of him. I really do.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Love, Death, free-floating anxiety, and loneliness

Oh, you know there is a dating site for spiritual singles? No? I didn't either until I received some SPAM from them a few minutes ago.

It's sad really that I have a house full of people playing a board game and I would rather write to myself. What is wrong with me anymore? Is this simply Saturn in the 12th? I think maybe I am just overwhelmed with it all and the uncertainty of the future is wearing on me some today. I talk to people I've talked to for years and just really have so little interest in interacting...yet I am lonely. I am sad. I just had my Venus Return and Venus is now on my Jupiter. The Sun is sextile my Sun. I don't see anything much astrologically for my current mood but maybe I'm not looking deep enough. The nodal axis is on my MC/IC. I really don't know.

I suppose it could be just that I am super-sensitive to both Saturn and Pluto energy and they are now in square formation.  I feel something brewing...anxiety, tension, something is going to happen. Tomorrow is a master number day (33) and this could be part of it too. Right before 9/11 I was having terrible anxiety for a few weeks along with nightmares. This feeling is similar to that time but so much is happening personally it is difficult to know how to separate it all.  Maybe that is why I need to talk to myself. If I start talking about this stuff with most people I get that stupid blank stare that makes me question whether it is me or them!  Having Mercury retrograde in tight conjunction with Pluto (on the 12th cusp) sextile Neptune and trine Saturn in the 8th more or less guarantees that I have very few people I can truly communicate with. I can talk all I want but so few understand what I am saying...they hear the words but can't make the connections. And it goes both ways too...I can hear the words but not digest them sometimes. Or worse...that horrid feeling of boredom that descends when others are talking and I am not connecting because whatever they are talking about is so boring or superficial to me. Also I find that I am feeling somewhat blocked right now...unable to express myself really to others or no real desire to. I'm turned inward, I guess. Processing recent events. Worrying about what is to come and how to deal with it. Missing SP but happy he is having such wonderful experiences and not wanting to burden him with my dilemmas because I don't want to cause him any stress.  Yet I feel 'stuffed' up and unable to express things that need to be expressed because I can't write about other people's business the only outlet I would have would be to tell him what has happened in private but unable to feel comfortable doing so because I care about him too much to dump a bunch of shit on him when he is having a good time!  I could talk to my german pal but don't really want to listen to that, which I have already heard from my other gemini friend. I need SP's compassionate and understanding response, not the crap other people respond with.

I am feeling too deeply with all the current Scorpio energy. Too deep with no real way to express all I am feeling...stuffing it down too much, feeling tense. I am also in a bad way with my spinal/neck/jaw thing today, which tends to make me emotional. I need some love and comfort. Need to be held and told it will be all right. Guess I am needy tonight and unable to cope. I hate feeling like this. I know it is my inner wounded little girl and do my best to provide for her, but there are times when self-nurturing isn't always enough.  Ah, will pass soon enough, it always does, and I will be my bubbly self again before I know it.

And a poem from one of my favorite poets, who I just now tonight read she committed suicide. It seems so many poets lives have ended in tragedy...the influence of Neptune, I suppose.

Love And Death
Shall we, too, rise forgetful from our sleep,
And shall my soul that lies within your hand
Remember nothing, as the blowing sand
Forgets the palm where long blue shadows creep
When winds along the darkened desert sweep?

Or would it still remember, tho' it spanned
A thousand heavens, while the planets fanned
The vacant ether with their voices deep?
Soul of my soul, no word shall be forgot,
Nor yet alone, beloved, shall we see

The desolation of extinguished suns,
Nor fear the void wherethro' our planet runs,
For still together shall we go and not
Fare forth alone to front eternity.

Sara Teasdale

Monday, November 9, 2009

Weight of woes

The stress continues unabated...with the approaching Saturn-Pluto square I can only assume that it will continue throughout the week. I want to write and release some of this but I only have a few moments now...may return to this in a few hours if I have any privacy to really write. In the meantime, maybe crying will help! Oh, that's right, I have no privacy for that either.

Well, 7 hours later and I'm feeling a little hour at the gym works wonders, truly. I pushed myself very hard this morning and now just returned from lunch with my sister and my friend.  I am seriously addicted to greek food, lol. This place in town is owned and ran by Greeks...they bring family over to work in the restaurant and sponsor other greeks. The benefit of this is authentic food. Can't get any better pita than what they serve...yummy.  Just what I don't need (carbs and gluten) but after the past 24 hours of non-stop drama, worry, stress, nightmares, being upset (on and on) I needed some comforting. Unfortunately the only comfort available at the moment is food.

My sisters are crazy...descending upon me like a swarm of locusts, asking to see pictures of my love, wanting to know everything (which of course I am very private and only tell what I feel like disclosing, lol) but when I light up at every thought of him and glow like an xmas tree when I speak of him, I can understand why they are so curious!  I can't help it.  So I showed them a few pictures and they were laughing at me because I get so....happy. And they 'approve' of fun. Like I need anyone's approval!!!! I am sure they will soon get tired of me saying how amazing and gorgeous and wonderful he is...and how I've never felt like this or been so close to anyone. Which they can't understand because of the nature of our connection at the moment. Thinking of him has kept me going throughout everything I have had to deal with over the past month and gives me hope. My love and desire for him is stronger than ever...if someone would have asked me last year if I could love anyone more than I did him then, I would have laughed. What a shocker for me to feel it grow and grow and grow. It's truly amazing.  He is such a light in my joy, my heart. I hope he is having a great time still. I love it when he is happy.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Joined At The Crossroad

I have a few lines and feelings bubbling away inside but I guess it isn't time for it to come out...when it is ready it will. So I will share a very Scorpionic poem I wrote last November instead :)

Joined At The Crossroad

Tendrils twine in the quiet,
Snake-like energy drawing us into the dance,
The ancient mystery - dark and erotic.

I saw you by the roadside, bare to the wind,
Lost within the dusk,
Searching…searching…raw and hungry,
Needing to feed, voracious - a starving fiend.

I stood before you, pulsating, alive,
Each vein throbbing with life, with desire,
The food of approaching night, the moon to guide us,
To guide us…not deny or usurp.

Oh, how you long to feed, to taste my flesh,
To swallow the moonlight dancing softly between us,
To shelter within the warmth of the passage
Where the wind cannot blow.

I wait in the silence, touched by the tendrils,
Drawn into the sacredness of the mystery,
Moving serpentine, kissing each snake as we entwine,
Joined at the crossroad, feeding…

Dena L Moore
November 22, 2008

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

No rest for the wicked...and Goblin Market (Sisters)

So much for accomplishing much today...I am so fed up with everyone else's life impacting mine to such a point that I can't even do my own work because I have to attend to their 'emergencies' and needs. I feel pushed into these situations and not really sure what I can do about it. One thing after another. Sick of it.

Anyhow, I am just blowing off some steam and hoping to get at least a few hours in yet but since there is a mountain of homework to help Gare with I doubt it is going to happen. And tomorrow morning is blown too...again, with someone else's crap. I am just falling further and further behind but I have to release some of this in order to focus.

Being in FL seriously ruins Samhain for's difficult to get into the shifting energy in 90 degree weather. If there is anything I miss about being up north it is the autumn. The colored leaves and cool air, the apples at the orchard, the festivals that really feel like fall festivals. Not just more of the same. No seasons. Just...this. Heat, wind, rain. Humidity. Though I seriously dislike snow...only for a few days do I enjoy it. Sometimes the very crisp and cold nights with icicles hanging off the trees. I can enjoy the beauty of it. Plus you can be outside all year, even in the very cold. You can bundle up but you can't take your skin off. Sometimes I wish I could! And yes, sometimes I do think about how much fun we used to have sledding. Ice skating. Building snowmen. Throwing snowballs. LOL That's what happens when you grow up with all boys! I was the only girl for over 9 years, with 3 brothers. Anyhow, I never want to LIVE in the snowy areas again but it would be fun to get the hell out of this place for even a few days. I am SICK of being hot and paying for so much electric. Frickin' 90+ degrees for Halloween. Sucks.

Ok, I'm done being negative now...just have had an overwhelming day taking care of everyone else and their emotions and their problems while my work goes undone. I need some 'me' time...I haven't had any in so long.

But in a few months I will see my SP, which gives me so much to look forward, so much. Wish I could see him now...lie with him, snuggle and cuddle and relax together in silence. I hope his day will be much nicer than mine has been.

And so I will share part of Christina Rossetti's "Goblin Market" - it is simply too long to put it here in it's entirety! And it is somewhat appropriate to my current situation with my sister, and the role I have to play. sigh...

My favorite lines from the poem are:

"She sucked and sucked and sucked the more
Fruits which that unknown orchard bore"

"Backwards up the mossy glen
Turned and trooped the goblin men,
With their shrill repeated cry,
“Come buy, come buy.”
When they reached where Laura was
They stood stock still upon the moss,
Leering at each other,
Brother with queer brother;
Signalling each other,
Brother with sly brother.
One set his basket down,
One reared his plate;
One began to weave a crown
Of tendrils, leaves and rough nuts brown
(Men sell not such in any town);
One heaved the golden weight
Of dish and fruit to offer her:
“Come buy, come buy,” was still their cry.

Laura stared but did not stir,
Longed but had no money:
The whisk-tailed merchant bade her taste
In tones as smooth as honey,
The cat-faced purr’d,
The rat-paced spoke a word
Of welcome, and the snail-paced even was heard;
One parrot-voiced and jolly
Cried “Pretty Goblin” still for “Pretty Polly;”—
One whistled like a bird.
But sweet-tooth Laura spoke in haste:
“Good folk, I have no coin;
To take were to purloin:
I have no copper in my purse,
I have no silver either,
And all my gold is on the furze
That shakes in windy weather
Above the rusty heather.”
“You have much gold upon your head,”
They answered all together:
“Buy from us with a golden curl.”
She clipped a precious golden lock,
She dropped a tear more rare than pearl,
Then sucked their fruit globes fair or red:
Sweeter than honey from the rock,
Stronger than man-rejoicing wine,
Clearer than water flowed that juice;
She never tasted such before,
How should it cloy with length of use?
She sucked and sucked and sucked the more
Fruits which that unknown orchard bore;
She sucked until her lips were sore;
Then flung the emptied rinds away
But gathered up one kernel-stone,
And knew not was it night or day
As she turned home alone."

and the last verse, about the sisters - I am the strength, the one who lifts during the stormy weather:

“For there is no friend like a sister
In calm or stormy weather;
To cheer one on the tedious way,
To fetch one if one goes astray,
To lift one if one totters down,
To strengthen whilst one stands.”

Saturday, October 24, 2009

OMG...way too funny not to share

I love my kids...they are so fun, especially Gare.

1st photo...Gare eating a slice of apple. One out of fact, the kid ate nearly the entire bag! I think I had 2 pieces. It was a bag of mixed red and green. In the end he left a few green ones. Poor things. I swear he looks like he is high in this picture, he is enjoying it so much!

2nd photo I have charmingly titled "now I'm going to kick Mom's butt." Hey, I've seen that look MANY times over the year. Ha Ha Do you think it was because I was taking his picture and interrupted his 'apple pleasure'??

We were at the park for several hours today...had a cookout, and then went shopping for halloween costumes. Dae will be some sort of...something! Not sure yet, but she bought fishnets and a dress (which her father did not approve of) and black hair spray. Gare is going to be Pumpkin Head. LOL OMG, he is so easy to shop for and took maybe 2 minutes to decide...his sister, please. I was about ready to leave her in the store when she finally gave in and decided on what she got. Then the candy aisle(s)...holy crap. How much candy is needed for this??? We came out with like 7 bags of the stuff. I was in too good of a mood to fight them for long on it. I did force them to get Almond Joy's as that is really the only kind I ever want (well, that comes in small halloween sizes. My favorite is really Cadbury's hazelnut. Don't ask me why as I really don't know!!!). But candy is actually something NONE of us need!!! lol I will only have one, on Halloween. With three Cancer-influenced people in this house, I never have to worry about having any sort of sugar anything left to tempt me for too long. Oh,, if you do not know a Cancer then you are missing out on the time you have a gathering, set out a chocolate cake (with chocolate frosting - the richest you can find) and then make an announcement that it is time for dessert (hell, it doesn't matter if it is 1 am or before you serve the main course) and take note of all those that come running with a plate and fork. I'm telling you that all the ones the come the fastest WILL BE Cancer influenced people. Another way to know is if they are lingering about the kitchen while you are trying to cook, picking at all the sugary stuff even though you've asked them not to. They are seriously addicted to sugar, I think from birth!

Ahh,'s been a pleasant enough day but now I better get back to work on these horrorscopes as I have an overly stuffed next week. Will I survive??? LOL Will do my best but am not looking forward to it.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Ecstatic...and enraptured

I am so full of joy and can't contain myself any longer...January can't get here fast enough, lol. I am not sure if I've ever looked forward to anything else so much in my entire life...perhaps the birth of the children, but I can't think of anything else that could possibly compare.

I want to sing but not much will come out...I have lost my voice entirely several times over the past few days. It starts to come back, then it's gone again.

I should try to write a poem but I need to save my focusing for the horoscopes and a ritual I have to write for a lady, so I have come to ramble to myself for a few moments. I would much rather be face to face with my love...we always seem to have plenty to talk about, lol. It is really wonderful to be so close and share so much and to understand one another, most of the time without having to think about it. Although I had to go through the recent purging, I feel now it was absolutely essential for it to occur before January...and now I am back to my dreaminess and sense of joy. There are really no words to describe it. The word joy cannot contain is something that cannot be understood unless one has felt it!

I am enraptured by him...his amazing eyes, gorgeous smile, and everything else...that brain of his, wow. His light. His aura. I could spend the rest of my life writing about him (and just may!). In moments such as this, I truly desire nothing more than to be with him, gazing at him...exploring him...reveling in his mystery. And while I realize that life cannot be so idyllic and we will always have to come back down to earth and deal with daily life, the moments when we are riding high together, touching the higher planes (and touching each other as well) will be beyond anything I could have previously dreamed of. This is me opening and not being fearful...not worrying. Trusting. It's been a long road to get to this place but I would do it all over again if it led me into his arms. I would do it 100 times if that is what it would take.

sigh -

I should start drawing again or working with pastels...words are not giving me enough release, not bringing out enough of what I am feeling - this multi-colored, living, breathing thing within me that is constantly pulsing...this is my love for him as he moves within me in Spirit. I can only fantasize about him moving within me in Form...oh, and I do. I want him so badly; to touch his face, kiss his lips, to taste him. To give myself to him; to please him. To hear him laugh; to watch him sleep. Ok, time to stop or I won't get any work done today and I risk turning my blog into erotica, lol. Wow, just thinking about him makes me breathless and......


Just incredible. It may be a good thing we have a few days together before the conference begins, LOL!!!! Might need a few solid weeks the way I'm feeling today. I'm laughing so hard.

So to keep this a 'poetry' blog instead of just my private fantasy world, I will share a poem I wrote earlier this year (yes, of course he is in it...any poetry with a sexual element or love element written in the past year or so is always about him in some way!). I like this one because it is erotic.

Wild and Windswept

She lies like a mystery
Unraveled, untamed…a wild, fluctuating coast,
Wind-swept caresses haunting the harbor,
A light up ahead - dim.

No sound but my heartbeat
Thudding like footsteps on stone, softly insistent.
Dark clouds rage above, a mad master’s dance
Heavy with rain, ominous.

It is the fierceness of the storm
Drawing me near, pulling me down the rough-edged path,
Calling out a rhythm in waves washing through me,
Tension drawn in the sky - pierced with lightning -

And I am in my element, feral and fleshly,
Hair tossing behind me as I flow down , down, dancing
To the shore, to the swelling crests crashing chest-high,
Rocking toward me as I reach out to her,

Laughing sensually to the beat of her pulse,
My flesh rising with desire to roll with her, to sway and swirl,
Pivot and gyrate, to move with such pounding intensity,
The power teasing and potent, unrestrained…

I think of you with me, turbulent and inflamed,
Your body vivid and wild, moving against me,
Fluctuating and windswept, haunting me as she taunts the shore,
As she crashes and tames, rocking and pulling,

I think of you, your mystery,
The dream of your flesh, your flashing eyes devouring,
The control and force of your Spirit arousing -
I’m fierce in my desire; I’m eager to be tamed.

Dena L Moore
August 2, 2009

Tuesday, October 20, 2009 I am...

eating a piece of leftover cold pizza, burning a money candle, and basically playing hooky from work for the moment. I'm such a bad girl sometimes. And pizza should be outlawed, LOL. Especially the 'walmart' fresh ones, because they are cheap and absolutely delicious. This poor last piece was part of a Super supreme...was, as it is nearly gone!

I have a pile of email higher than Mt Rushmore waiting for me...I take one look at it and simply don't want to mess with any of it at all. But it will all have to be tackled and everything done before the weekend as it is my weekend off and I am long past due. Oh, I only have the November scopes, the weekly scopes, the weekly tarot, the Jan - March calendars, an astro-reading...on and on...all must be done by Friday afternoon. If not, then I will push some of it off until next week, but I would rather push myself harder and get it done. I am feeling somewhat better today and even got in some time at the gym. I took it very easy on myself though and only did 30 minutes on the elliptical and 15 on the weights. It was way too crowded this morning with a bunch of older people so I didn't want to hang around too long anyhow. It was 'better than nothing' as Dae would say. And no sign of my predator, so that was good, LOL. Poor guy...I don't even know him and he's already a villain. I will just have to get over myself and learn to handle these things like a somewhat 'normal' person...either that or pretend I know how.

I find it so ironic that I have all this email and I would rather write to myself! Well there is only one personal email in there from my german pal but as she was tearing into me when I was in my dark place, I haven't much desire to reply to it yet. It's been in there for 3 days now. See how naughty I am?? I suppose I will have to at some point today. I just want to chat, that's all, and maybe some would find it very sad that I have to talk to myself so much, but that's how it goes sometimes. Most everyone just chats with me online but I suppose that is hard for them to do when they never know when I am on! LOL Wow, this Saturn stuff has been simply...different. I think I did withdraw from most everyone last time he came around. Anyhow, I sometimes have absolutely nothing and everything to say all at once and it would drive others crazy if they had to listen (or read) my ongoing rambling for too long. Especially when I just randomly jump from one thing to the next without rhyme or reason. This particular thing drives my GP (ha ha German Pal) nuts, though she does it too. Of course she doesn't admit up to that or notice it, but is sure to call me on it. She says I wear her down with my intensity. I can't help it though, what I am. So maybe that's why I have to talk to myself as I can 'run the energy' for quite a while before I crash. Even when I know a crash is coming (like I did last Thursday) and try to stall it, it doesn't work.

BUT like the Phoenix that I am, I rise again and again...out of the flames or out of the raging sea (or both at once), I spread my wings and shine my light.

I feel more at peace again today...somehow different but peaceful. In a quiet (but chatty) place where I recognize that I have been a bit out of control emotionally the past few weeks. Flying so high at first, then bam, broken and flopping about like a fish out of water. I know to others I sometimes appear 'larger than life' or 'over the top' and maybe, to them, I am. Perhaps some would disagree that it is possible to love someone who one has never spoken to or touched...and I suppose that would be how it works for most people, but then again, I am very far from being 'most' people. I know when my Soul has been so deeply pierced and I know what I feel when I feel it; I know that I have never felt so much joy and peace and certainty than I do now. And so much heat...

I seriously have a one track mind sometimes! I have to be patient and allow things to unfold as they will. If he knew how much I think about being with him...or being under him... in the temple or in the crypt...or... I know I can be so confusing as I am so open with these things in writing sometimes (ok, most of the time), I probably give the impression that I am a rapist, LOL. When it is so far from who I am in the flesh...not a rapist, but certainly very sexual, but not in an in-your-face way...very subtle and erotic. I suppose this is what draws the Scorpion. I guess if you've truly got it, you don't have to flaunt it. HA HA In my case, I try to hide it from strangers. But with him...oh, I may be shy at first but he will melt me open within minutes. I will be so vulnerable but somehow that turns me on with him rather than off!! This is the trust thing again...and so different and delightful an experience for me. I suppose this is why I am so in awe of all these things that arise within me through our connection.

I love looking at him too...I can only imagine how it will be in person. Will I stare at him in hunger or blush like a maiden? Or, somehow, both all at once? I even intrigue myself with these things!!! And although I tell myself I won't ramble on and on about my love, I always seem to come back to him. He is on my mind...very obviously so!!

I so want to go to Virginia this weekend...I nearly emailed the lady and asked if she'd give us a discount (as she isn't booked yet). BUT I can't really justify it, especially as the car needs so much work and the drive would probably kill her off. Yet...I am longing to be in the mountains and see the leaves. I've been fighting this urge for nearly 2 weeks now. Maybe if I make a lot of money today I will email her tonight...I will let Spirit decide what the right thing is to do on this. Lots of money = weekend trip. Little money = stay home.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Saturn - Neptune, Osiris - Isis??

I've somewhat turned my poetry blog into a temporary holding ground for my personal astro-rambles. Sometimes this stuff should be on the astrology blog but it is way too personal so it ends up here. Perhaps once I work through some of it and formulate something worthy to share with the world I will create something of value for TNF.

I am still in something of an emotional crisis but I think it is because I fell extremely ill last night and am unable to focus for too long on anything significant. I swear I have had this same crap 3 times already this year...likely a mutating strain of some type of flu. Not sure. But I am certainly not feeling great. Funny how I am feeling upset I will miss the gym tomorrow...I can barely walk, so don't think I will be in any shape for all that.

I have been drawn to think about my Saturn-Neptune opposition today...I suppose anything I can toss out here to myself may help in the future when I finally get to work on my pet project (instead of just talking about it). I actually have a lot of it written in my head but just need to pull it all together, do the necessary additional research, and pop it out. Sounds easy...that's me fooling myself.

So...a huge struggle my whole life has been feeling out of control in so many areas. That other people control me, or have power over me, especially men when it comes to sex and intimacy. Like I have no ability or right to say no, so I become evasive, hide, or situate myself with men around me to block out approaches by others (maybe why I've always had male friends??? In my early 20's I was always surrounded by GAY supposedly safe protectors?!) I was even engaged to one and almost agreed to remain celibate! Oh, thank the Universe for not letting me do something that stupid...not to mention he nearly killed me when I tried to get away and then stalked me for years. If it hadn't been for another man who had just happened to stop by WAITING TO SEE HIM, I probably wouldn't be here. That man (boy really, he was only 17) saved my life, I know it. I am really on a roll regarding self-understanding this weekend.

Anyhow, I found the following on the internet:

Across from the 8th house, the 2nd house is where we possess things: money, valuables, values and even ourselves. It is the sphere of control over our lives, the place where we exert power over what we own, including our bodies. It is the space where we forge self-worth, self-control, self-possession.

In the 2nd house we POSSESS our BODIES...I have NEPTUNE there...not much in possession of myself, am I?? No wonder I have always felt I was prey!

The 8th house is exactly the opposite: It is where power, control and possession belong to others. We usually think of the 8th house as other people’s money, but that’s just a symbol of its underlying and deeply powerful dynamic: the ability of another person — including their possessions, valuables, values and motivations — to affect our lives without our consent.

In the 8th house OTHERS Saturn/Vx/Juno...

I found this info on this very interesting astro-site (it also discussed Isis & Osiris a bit):

Ironically, I LONG to be POSSESSED by a be pillaged and taken, even somewhat 'owned,' especially sexually. The catch is that he must be a lover of MY choice, one I TRUST with every aspect of my being, knowing that he cherishes me and would never truly hurt me. It seems such a conflict within me, doesn't it? But within that state of trust and love, the sky would be the limit. So if I was in such a state, I would not resent being possessed at all but would rather freely (Neptune) give all over to him. And in that state, he would be my safe place and protector, keeping all the other men away from me and realizing my full devotion (Neptune). How did I go off on this tangent??? I am too sick to get worked up - or so I thought.

It all ties in together though, really...all about understanding my own Being on a deeper level. Understanding my past, my present, and looking forward to a happier, more loving, more self-honest future.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Il Mio Mondo...Poseidon

Just another day lost at Sea, lol...and enjoying it. Dreaming a dream, reveling in oceanic feelings of bliss and connection, at least for the past hour or so. I've been contemplating on my love's Poseidon/SN/Cupido conjunction in the 12th...such a spiritual loving & intuitive potential!

When I think back over the readings I have done for him, not even knowing about this conjunction, I truly amaze my own self with the information I can pull in. I am so blessed in so many ways; I just need to keep it in mind when I feel overwhelmed by other's needs. I am especially blessed with my love. He is the most amazing man...never in a million years could I have dreamed him up even in my most vivid fantasy world! And it is not that I put him on a pedestal (too high) in an unrealistic way - at least I don't think so! - but rather I am amazed that there is actually someone in the Universe I feel so close and attuned to...and most important, that I feel safe emotionally with and can trust with all my deeper Self. Someone of my spiritual equal and (I just know) sexual equal, which is only something I have dreamed of in the past, never truly thinking it was possible, let alone residing within one Soul! And this is why I am lost in a sea of bliss. And his powers of concentration and memory and intelligence and humor and those gorgeous eyes, oh...I've never felt any sort of awe for anyone in my life, ever, prior to meeting him. This is an entirely new experience for me and I am just beside myself with internal happiness and peace. A deep healing is taking place between us. I am very aware of this and there is nothing more beautiful.

Some days, like today, I just want to shout it from a mountaintop somewhere and laugh and laugh and laugh. Others may think I am totally crazy but I don't care! I even overwhelm myself with my emotions sometimes, which is why I have to write to myself...quietly ecstatic. I was scared before, I know that now...not prepared for such a deep state of connection. Not prepared to put down all walls. Although it was difficult I see now that perhaps our separation was necessary so that I would be more open to the powerful energy between us; so I would stop fighting and surrender to not feel threatened by my own feelings and all that he invokes within me, but to learn to embrace and enjoy it. I now find myself so intensely with him, so devoted, so...loving, but it goes so far beyond a lust or a crush or even anything I have felt before as love. It is truly an experience that goes beyond any words or description. I could not even know how to tell him all that I feel with words. It is something that must be shared through the meeting of eyes and the joining of bodies.

And I should, um, stop thinking along those lines lest I frustrate myself, lol. about a poem? :D From one of my favorite poets (the only one who compares is Blake:))

Love's Philosophy

"The fountains mingle with the rivers
And the rivers with the oceans,
The winds of heaven mix forever
With a sweet emotion;
Nothing in the world is single;
All things by a law divine
In one spirit meet and mingle.
Why not I with thine?

See the mountains kiss high heaven
And the waves clasp one another;
No sister-flower would be forgiven
If it disdained its brother,
And the sunlight clasps the earth
And the moonbeams kiss the sea:
What is all this sweet work worth
If thou kiss not me?"

Percy Bysshe Shelley

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Immortal love opens like a Lotus in bloom

In this sacred place, the inner core of my own Being, I am aware of the subtle shift not only within my own mini-cosmos but within the larger cosmos as a whole. Each day the sesen opens into a blossom as the Sun climbs higher in the sky...and I sense this blossoming as surely as I feel my love's heart beating as he rests.

Now I am at peace, in this moment I am in the flow, bathing in the richness of energy and the pulsating rhythm of the Universe. I am quiet and steady, my love growing with every breath I take in this body. My love for my love and my love for all that is, blossoming as the lotus in many directions, encompassing all in Spirit but reserved in essence for my immortal love, my beloved of the beloved. I am intense, true, and few would understand the depth of my intensity - the hot and cool waters which swirl together, the sacred pearl and the duality of life, the balance created through opposites as we interact and touch one another. There are no words to express all that I feel or all that I see...and the most magnificent aspect is the beauty of being able to let go. To relinquish control and knowing - trusting -that all will unfold as intended...having all fears quieted and standing steady in the garden, holding the apple with full knowledge that I will never regret taking a bite. For my love is a sacred love, an immortal love, reaching far beyond this life and this form, ordained and written in the Stars.

I have loved before...yet no matter how deep a love I have felt for others in the past, none come close to what I am feeling now. I have questioned whether I have ever truly loved before, and I feel the answer lies in the wide variety of manifestations of love and the potential to give and receive love. Yes, I have loved but not in such a spiritual, all-encompassing, unconditional, truly connected way...I have never felt so at ease within the emotions, so fully involved, grounded while dreaming. I have been involved in Saturn-Neptune connections before and have suffered both the beauty and the pain...but within this love, the times I have felt pain, I never lost sight of the beauty. Even when he let me go for several months, I embraced the beauty and the growth I had experienced within. Anger - which is something I would usually feel at such treatment - was fleeting and barely perceptible. Sadness, which I did feel, would have led to despondency and there were times of that...but beneath it all, even in our separation, I felt my love for him in a timeless way. A knowing that I loved him and that I had always loved him deep down within the waters of my Soul. A knowing that he was within me, always. And I liked feeling him within...and I have truly granted him access with blessings and love, trusting him with all that I am. He is the only Soul I would trust within my own. This sets him apart from every other love I have ever known. I admire him, I respect him, I honor him.

I do not know how it will unfold and I will not try to force it; rather, I will relax and enjoy him and our connection, knowing that I love him in an open manner, love freely and delightfully given, just as the Sun provides the light for the Lotus to blossom...knowing that I will love him forever, no matter how far apart we are, incarnated in form or not. No matter our challenges.

He is my Dragon, my phoenix and rebirth. His fire inspires me; his heart is the pearl of wisdom and unfolding beauty. Through my love for him I caress the Universe.